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- Jan 24, 2010
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I like to think that they have a thing for fat guys with that whole Sumo thing and all and somewhere in Asia they worship elephants.

I'm no sure if Oxy's little tirade here is so "wow" because of it's venom or because she is female. There was a quality amount of sting but the fact that it's coming from a woman makes it that much more effective I think.
She's got a set of balls on her for sure.
PussyBoy Daft, you should pay attention and maybe you'll be half the man Shari is one day.
Found it.
For everyone giving Nina crap let's switch it up for a second.
Your wife, girlfriend, or even yourself goes down to pay your utility bill. You're out of checks or whatever and you are paying in cash. The bill is $560 and you hand the cash over to the clerk. As she is collecting the money to re-count it out she inadvertently drops a couple of $100 bills and they get lodged under something on the counter out of sight. As she counts the money you are $200 short. You know you gave her the right amount and she knows what she has just counted back to you. You're not wrong and she's not wrong but you have to come up with the additional $200 or your lights are getting shut off.
Now later in the day the clerk finds the lost bills. She didn't mean to make the mistake but she is now the one who is guilty of making it. She could make things right but decides what the hell and pockets the free money. Obviously the customer had enough to keep their lights on and pay the extra and the electric company has their money so what the hell.
A fellow teller sees what has happened.
Do you want this teller to keep their mouth shut and just let you be out that $200 or do you want that teller to do the right but not easy thing here and come forth and help you get your money back?
It's always easy to point fingers at people who get involved in business that isn't their own when it suits your perspective but when the perspective gets switched up it's not always the same story.
Fuck a bunch of homo's!
Wal's no puppet and I don't dance to anybodies beat but my own.
I don't need a reason as to why I don't like that gaggle Daft.
I don't need a reason why I don't like that twit Cali.
I don't need a reason as to why I don't like that shiteatin' Casper.
I am Steven Segal motherfuckers!
I got canned. I dont yet know why I got canned but I got canned.
I submitted todays blog and made my daily play and when I went back this evening to check my account I couldnt access it. I kept getting a message to call customer service.
I call up and after giving them my account info I learn that my account has been closed. Closing my account is different than closing your normal account, closing my account is the equivalent to getting fired.
I was told that it was the bosses decision and that he had sent me an email as to why but he has my old email account which no-longer exist so until it all gets ironed out I am in limbo.
It sucks not knowing. I mean if I sucked (which is very possible) I just need to hear that. If it was because I won more than was expected which was costing more than anticipated then it would be nice to hear that too. If its because football season is at seasons end then that is cool but would like to hear that as well.
Ive never been fired before, rejected sure but never fired. This sucks.
Mr.Monkey, there is no need to post the final blog. Turns out it had nothing to do with my blogging. I pulled out one of my other laptops that had not been cleaned of my former email accounts and Blackie did send an explination to that address.
Tuns out I offended RebateWager a couple weeks ago in a thread where I defended their limitations and oferings to that of the choice between Burger King and McDonalds. I guess the translation was lost in the interpretation.
All I was doing was saying people have a right to choose but apparently my choice of analogies was offensive. I am trying to find the exact thread to see exactly what I said.
So I go uptown to pick up some lunch today like any normal day would have me do. As I am walking back to the truck I pass behind this truck whose engine is running. I notice the reverse lights arent on so Im not concerned about not being seen by the driver. You always have to watch out for what others are doing. So anyways as I am passing behind the truck the driver revs the engine. Nothing unusual and I dont really think anything of it.
I am parked right next to the truck so as I am walking behind my city truck I am looking over at the truck I just passed. The driver is looking away at first but then turns my way and I am looking at him, he is looking at me and we are like locked on to one another. It was kind of strange, kind of whatever, or so I thought.
The guy puts his truck in reverse and starts to back out but upon doing so he goes, what you eyeballin fat boy? I reply back without skipping a beat, excuse me, to which he repeats again, what you eyeballin fat boy as he continues backing out of the parking space.
Once out he pulls forward just a touch directly behind my city truck and stops. He rolls down the passenger window (power windows) and leans around his passenger and shouts, you got a gad damn problem fat boy?
Not sure why but I kind of snapped at that one. I dropped my lunch and started pulling my shirt from its normal tucked in position, now why I chose to untuck I dont know, it just seemed appropriate, and began walking towards the truck. I tell the driver as I am walking towards the truck that the only problem there will be is if he and his girlfriend (it wasnt a girl it was another dude) get out that truck.
FUCK YOU FAT BOY, was all I heard as I am just a couple feet from the truck and they sped off.
Guys I was pissed. I mean I was actually doing that adrenaline shake when you get ready to just get serious. I could have lost my job over these 2 asswipes I mean I was at lunch but in a city vehicle and the whole represent crap. Im not overtly violent but todays events made me seriously want to harm someone.
We have guys out sick and or on vacation and I am out helping this morning. I am transporting raw sewage from one lift station that has pump failure to a working lift station.
I am hauling raw sewage but I am thinking of you guys.
Blitty, I was gonna title this thread Attention Blitty but I know how that annoys you and out of respect I didn't do it.
Blitty as God is my witness I just pumped out a turd that looked exactly like you. I didn't keep it as a momento or anything I mean its not like seeing the Virgin Mary in a tinted window or anything but it definately was a lil Shitty Blitty.
I'm the pus of the group. Well to be fair to myself I don't consider it pus like but I'll always be in the minority.
Never took a hit off a joint.
Never snorted.
Never injected.
No meth, crack or heroine.
Don't drink.
I did crack a rib once and the doctor prescribed some percocet but in taking one before work one morning I promptely mooned the Mayor when he stopped by the shop for some meeting and that was the end on my prescription drug usage.
Mrs. X, I read about the hot springs, I get it, you don't care for fat people. It's ok I don't like us either. I wouldn't do me, hell I don't even like the lights on when I shower.
For the record I never called Mrs. X a militant lesbian. I said my first impression of her after reading some of her post made me THINK of her as a militant leasbian. There is a significant distinction.
Matty, either way I think I may now be on a list. Not a good list either.
At 560 I wasn't having sex and at 360 I'm not having sex. At 260 I was a fck'n porn star.
Muddy, I'm sorry. The threads lately have me bummed out. The only thread I have been actively contributing to was Joe's huge hand. Now Coug's is trying to get Irish back. I lashed out in sarcastic rage Muddy.
But seriously you could ask her to show you her tits and get away with it. You've got a get out of creepy free card.
I think my account is lilwal66 to view them.