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i need your help

the keyboard

Bread, you lil angel got to me so bad one day I just snapped my keyboard over my knee. We made nice nice since but she got to me Bread she got to me bad.

stealing kids interstate

It was 12 years ago. I had met this chick online in a chatroom on TalkCity. We had chatted for a couple of months and I had met her on a couple of occasions. She had left North Carolina in a hurry from an abusive husband with two of her children. When she fled the baby was with her mother-in-law.

She wanted to go back and see her baby and I agreed to drive her. When we got there the housekeeper/nanny had the baby and the husband hadnt been home in a couple of days so this chick persuaded the nanny to let her take the baby for a couple of hours. We came back to Florida.

Now I didnt know that was exactly how it was going down when it happened I found out when we got home.

This was at a period of time when I trusted that every woman was innocent and above all a mother. I was old enough to know better just not very experienced. As it turned out the father was truly an abusive crackhead and the child did belong with the mother but it sooooooooooo could have been a bad situation.

I still have this desire to be a knight in shining armor but I dont go to this length anymore.
So here at the treatment plant there is a 2 acre effluent pond. I was out this morning spaying weed killer around the edge of the pond and there is this head sticking out of the water. So I go grab my net and go back to try and save what I assumed was a dog. We have several different size nets for various size dogs that fall into the pond and sometimes even have to go out in the boat to save them. Its a lined pond with steep side so once they fall in they are at the mercy of me spotting them in time. Anyway, I go to catch this puppy in my net and it ATTACKS violently. Not uncommon because they sometimes have been in the pond for hours and are terrified. I try again and this time I realize this is no puppy. Turns out it was a full grown Florida Red Fox. The fox was a first for me. I did save an owl one time, never did figure out how an owl got trapped in the pond in the first place. Oh, on a side note, if you ever happen to save an owl on Thanksgiving Day when the vets are closed, DONT KEEP HIM IN YOUR OFFICE OVER NIGHT!

So back to the fox, hes alive and well and probably out looking for some farmers chickens as I post this. He did give me a thought though. Maybe he was a sign of some sort. I have been on a seriously bad (understatement Im 1-17 since early April) run late. Maybe the fox could change my luck. I was gonna just sit it out till football season but I think I will try this tonight.

Since it was a red fox I looked through the starting pitchers for tonights games to see if any of them had something fox related in their names but no luck. However two of the starters tonight did have red goatees. So thats the sign and here are the plays.

Aaron Cook and the Rockies +136
Aaron Harang and the Reds +105.

See what happens when you start looking for SIGNS.

Red Fox led to red goatees which just so happened to belong to two guys named Aaron both playing for team who start with the letter R.

Next week is fast approaching. I am natorious for getting lost and having no idea where I'm going. How about shooting me an email with a contact number so I can call and find out how to get to where ya'll will be. Have free incoming cause I'm pretty certain I will be calling turn by turn.

Also, is the main gathering Friday night or Saturday night or both? I don't want to miss anyone that might be coming so trying to figure out if I will be around one or both nights.


To anyone planning on attending, If you want to meet earlier in the day, have some time to kill and want to make $100 to teach me how to video edit let me know.


You will need to be a patient type. A VERY patient type. I'll figure out the difference betweem Matty and MacBaseball quicker than this video editing crap.
I made a comment about the area of Alabama and Mississippi that I was traveling through being some of the poorest parts I had ever been too. I may have embellished a tad but it was definitely a poor area.

Im sure if you have traveled much you have seen plenty of poor areas throughout the country. Even though my travels are severely minimal I can say for certain that we have plenty of areas here in Florida that are desperately impoverished as well.

I was spouting off when I made the remark but once I got home I actually did a little research and sure enough Mississippi ranks as the lowest income per capita state in America as recently as the last study done in 2008. Alabama came in only a couple of spots higher, in fact of the lowest 10 states 6 of them are in SEC territory.

To coincide with Mississippi being the poorest not surprisingly the state also is among the lowest in education and highest in pregnancy in all of the U.S. Im sure no-one will be surprised to learn that the southern states as a whole are also the majority of government assistance states in America as well.

Im no authority on the matter but after this weekend and after some of the research I did, I have a theory for this. My theory isnt so much as to why one state is higher or lower than another but more about poverty in general.

Education, motivation, determination and inspiration are crucial parts in my way of thinking. My theory was surmised based on a simple story one of my fellow travelers told as we rode to our golf destination.

Now this person isnt someone I can call a friend. I have known him for years and have played golf with him but that has been where our association has ended. We are not cut from the same cloth nor do we run or live in the same social circles. I am working class through and through and he, well he comes from money and makes plenty of money. Dont get me wrong though, he isnt an uppity sort, not at all he is good people, just rich good people.

He told the story of how when he was wrapping up his college days and would have his degree in business that he was having trouble deciding what he would do with his life. He said his dad sat him down and gave him the best piece of information he ever received. He said his dad told him to go into a business that by law people were required to have. Obviously that business was insurance. Today this guy is a high level associate with Nationwide and makes well over $200k a year.

Now what triggered here for me was not that he makes all this money, it was not that he had a college degree either. The education he received that meant the most here was the guidance his father gave him. He had someone in his life with vision and who was able to persuade his son down the right path. This guy had the determination to want to make a good life for himself and his family to make himself a success at it. The inspiration of a good life was all the motivation he needed.

By in large what happened in this story I just told is missing in many homes across this country. Certainly here in the south we have a severe number of youth growing up in single parent environments, high crime neighborhoods and in many cases social groups of lazy work ethics. When you grow up in this type of environment you either find the inner strength to get up and get out and do something with your life or you settle for the status quo and continue the cycle.

Those who do make something out of themselves often do it elsewhere in other parts of the country so they arent helping put it back where they came from. Those that tend to continue the cycle stay in the area so it doesnt get any better.

There is a whole other psychological aspect as to why the southern states remain impoverished states as well but that has to deal with the Civil War and the sociological and psychological scars that still run deep in both blacks and whites with deep ties to their ancestors of the period.

In both of these situations though I am certain it is more an excuse than an actual belief.

Many blacks today have been told by blacks from yesterday that they are due something for the years and years of oppression. So if you are given this excuse at an early age it has to become very difficult to overcome that way of thinking. If at the same time the government makes it very easy to accept a handout and your mindset is that of you are owed anyway then it almost becomes validated to an extent.

By the same token many whites whos ancestry stems from the Civil War era where told that something was taken from them. That this country was theirs and the northerners took it away. So in a sense here again we have a mindset that something is owed to them as well.

Its a vicious cycle, Its no different than becoming an alcoholic, a drug addict or a criminal really. When you are immersed in a social environment that creates a negative mindset it takes a very strong personality to overcome and rise above. Its one thing when its just the friends you associate with continuing this but when its your whole family history it can practically be an impossible struggle to achieve something more.

So where does it end? When do we as a southern nation change the path we are own? I wish I had an answer to that. I would hope the change could start with creating a different outlook for our children who would carry it on to their children. Thats how it started and its the only way I see it can be changed. How to make that start though is anybodies guess.

Now see this type of thing here is what started the whole Amby vs The Circle Jerk and then led to the whole MonkeyFocker vs the world crap. People have to stop photoshopping members pictures like this. Sure it's funny to make Matty's head that big but it could hurt sensative poeples feelings to the point of leaving. Stop the cruelty GameLive.

RayRay, I too have an affection for Asian chicks. Never dated one or anything just an affection. I like to think that they have a thing for fat guys with that whole Sumo thing and all and somewhere in Asia they worship elephants. Just waiting for some lil Asian number to translate fat country boy for one of those things they cherish back home.

Taiwanese then Japanese in that order for me. Followed by a distant Chinese and then Korean. Tai ladies seem more exotic and the complexion. Man I love Asian women. Except for that whole obedience thing. Never understood or appreciated that.

Shari, you granted those in attendance that faithfull night a look at the real Shari. Those unfortunate enough to have seen the pictures are left to out imaginations. Shari are you comfortable with 20 to 40 something year old men imagining you as some porn star in their minds? A pic of the real Shari in this post would cure such imagery.

Nina, sweet Nina, ummmmmmm I believe it was implied that nudes would be furnished. Although it was stipulated that said nudes would be sent privately via emaill after the fact, I think the implications were they would be presented as reward to all of Gamelive. Nina you should be held to the implied interprecation in this case and not the intended meaning. I luvs ya Nina but there is a bigger picture here.

Robyn, you've posted several pics of yourself and although I don't think nudes have ever been offered or even implied, it's time. You are and have been the reigning female posting sex symbol for years now and a sex scandle is part of what goes with the territory, it's time Robyn.

Teela, we need more of you in general Teela. More post, more pics, more everything.

Mrs. X, what, you have no quams about beaver popping some 17 year old but not those here that place you on a pedastal? Hardly seems fair Mrs. X. We adorn you with accolades and hype you with praise and some spot nosed 17 year old gets the shot that surely caused him to mess up that hot spring and probably several sheets since. Not fair Mrs. X, not fair.
