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Plom's I'm in Daytona, I have a wad of cash and, well it's time pal.

Take a quick online search of Daytona area massage paroles and give me your recommendation.

Plommer, I failed but not really.

I no sooner pulled into the parking lot when a patron was exiting the building. This guy looked so sleazy creepy it made me actually shake my head. At that point it dawned on me that as someone would later see me leaving this place they would have the same impression.

I couldn't do it Plom's. Even though I won't be back in Daytona till next year and even though I know no-one here cept' for a few poker dealers I can't bare the thought of being thought of or actually being that publicly creepy.

However, after making a quick exit from the parking lot I returned to the card room where I proceeded to piss away the $200 in profit from yesterday along with another $100 for good measure. I could have stayed out of sight in my room and ordered up an escort for what I pissed away not getting a massage.


Robyn I am sure my answer will only aggravate you but it is truthful at least even if boring. I like a woman who is diversified enough to go with each of the items. Ok maybe not the whiskey and blow but the rest. Course on second thought I do like strippers and porn stars and I wouldnt have to participate in the refreshment portion I guess.

Tea & Crumpets:
An elegant lady, slightly more mature in age and stature. Obviously preferably English but not a requirement. She would require social events of the arts persuasion naturally. Out of my league on many levels but worth the effort to try and up my game. As for expectations this is a woman that while you certainly wouldnt turn her down you realize it will take time and definitely be worth the wait.

Wine & Cheese:
She is sophisticated yet simple. She likes long walks in the park that end in a blanket spread on the shoreline as the sun sets. She is romantic but secretly desires to let herself go and be completely uninhibited. While obviously her passions are kept under control you know that this women will be an absolute beast once she lets you in.

Coffee & Scones:
An intellectual, a professional of sorts or maybe along the lines of a librarian. Again this is a woman you arent expecting to bed without some extensive effort. She likes to read and loves a lazy afternoon curled up cuddling on the sofa. She likes to travel and a nice Bed and Breakfast in some small little tucked away place makes her happy. She is extremely romantic and appreciates being made love too both physically as well as mentally. Of all the ladies on the list she is the least likely to rush into a sexual situation not because she doesnt have equal desires but she is the most fearful of letting herself go. When she does though it is the ultimate in experiences because if you are the one whom she trust with what she cherish most you get more from her than of all the other women combined.

Beer & Nuts:
Obviously this is the have fun anywhere type. She doesnt need to be romanced with fine dining and fancy trips. She doesnt care if youre sophisticated or even that well educated, the lady just wants to have fun. The cool thing about her and the fun is it can happen anywhere and involve anything. A movie, the beach, a club, hell she can make a trip to the grocery store an adventure. The sex? Forget about it. This chick is down for the dirty. A good chance you will get to experience just how down she is far sooner than any of the ladies on this list and just as good of a chance that while the experience might be different it wont be any less memorable.

Soda & Chips:
Lets face it if this is the lady you are with you are taking advantage of some nave younger girl with a daddy complex. You are trying to feel good about getting older and looking to fulfill some sexual fantasy. While it may be true she just doesnt drink and is super simple the chances are shes SUPER SEEEMPLE. Youll find her an easy score though. You wont be proud or even find the sex to be all that good but hey, shes barely out of high school and youre a few years away from social security so what the hell.
true fact:

Wally used to get paid (well book credit) to write for RebateWager

than he flippantly made a comment at a forum saying some people prefer book A over rebatewager just like some people may prefer target over wal-mart

Wally got canned because Blackie thought Wally was in essence saying Rebatewager=walmart of offshore books

at least that is how I remember it
"I generally don't acknowledge reoccurring events that haven't directly impacted my life and while your birthday falls into that category you are Canadian and Canadians make me laugh when they say boot.
So Happy Day of your Birth."

from a FB post