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so much good stuff

Robyn, Bread has been found guilty (falsely of course)of some heinous crime and sentenced to death. Fortunately for you and for Bread I have been elected governor of Florida. I am willing to not only grant Bread a stay of execution but also get him released but not without a sacrifice.

So is ol Wal getting Robyns raspberry or is Bread getting ol Sparky?

It's just a might be the next Kato, nothing definite.

If I were to leave though it wouldn't be for another place. I am barely able to find a thread a day to post in at SBR, I like some of the stuff over at peep's but bot enough to be involved regularly and my first home CappersMall doesn't even recognize me anymore.

Some days I just feel like a fossil around here, some days I just feel like an old grumpy asshole and there just aren't enough days when I feel like I bring something to the table. Posting isn't life but the rollercoaster effect can be similar at times.

Yeah but most of you just pop a top, pour a shot, fire up a bong, chop a line or pop a pill, I lack a crutch. Ok so I'm talking about life outside of posting obviously. I'm not leaving I was just saying I might be the next but that could be way down the line.

11: Im gonna give you a list of props and I need you to assign them to the posters I provide.

A) Riding crop and cod clips.
B) Butt plug and nipple clamps
C) Tinker Bell costume.
D) Handcuffs and feather tickler.
E) Sex swing.
F) Body oils and hot wax.

a) Robyn
b) Teela
c) Nina
d) Shari
e) Cali
f) Bread

On The Record: MrD

6: I guess you live in Costa Rica, do you prefer foreign women or American women?

7: You come across as decently sophisticated and probably a little more worldly than some, in a male, male, female threesome are you anal about swords crossing or are you comfortable enough with your sexuality that you dont feel that would be too gay?

8: Many things can be said about the talent we have here at GameLive but there is very little doubt that we have the best group of female posters. Sure we share some with SBR but when push comes to shove with the exception of Shari (she is first and foremost SBR) the ladies are true GameLivers. How about giving a shot at connecting each female with the type of sexual partner she would be?

Example: Poster X would be the most submissive. Poster M would probably be the most demanding, and so on.

Dont be afraid of offending, our ladies can take it.

9: While youre at it how about grouping the ladies in threesomes? You know like you want yourself with Nina and Shari or Teela and Mrs.X, Robyn and Cali. Maybe your threesome would be you and Peter with one of our gals. Hell maybe your threesome would be you, Peter and Bread, thats cools, we dont judge here.
s crap posting?

12: Personally I dont get it but our lil family here are huge fans of TP pics. What would it take to get you to joins the ranks of contributors?
Wally's too wordy to be well capsuled in such a thread, but this is a nice stand alone piece, and well representative of Wally's brand of insanity :lmao:
Quote Originally Posted by wal66 View Post

11: I’m gonna give you a list of props and I need you to assign them to the poster’s I provide.

A) Riding crop and cod clips.
B) Butt plug and nipple clamps
C) Tinker Bell costume.
D) Handcuffs and feather tickler.
E) Sex swing.
F) Body oils and hot wax.

a) Robyn
b) Teela
c) Nina
d) Shari
e) Cali
f) Bread
Kato you are better at searching for specific posts. My requests...

Mind, body and soul.
The one where he admitted to Robyn making him smash his keyboard.
The one where he told us about driving to another state to sneak some lady and her kid out of the house under the husband's nose (or something like that).


i am trying, not a lot of luck or time
Matty, my fat ass shouldn't have to explain these things to someone who by appearance sake should have less trouble with women giving them a shot than me but looks like I'll have too.

Matty, they don't forget who any of them are.
Matty, chunky chick turned out to be a non-threat but roomie still knows who she is.
Matty, roomie knows she has the advantage over you.
Matty, "too bad you're not gonna be around" is lame at best.
Matty, "I could have used you to fend off" is even more lame.
Matty, FOKKEN take control.

Sweaty titties are still titties. Sweat between the tits is just natural lube.

RJ, hurry back. I can’t help thinking about Robyn. My thoughts aren’t sexual or anything I am more focused on her well being and moving forward.

RJ with you skills and eye for video I was thinking maybe you could get with Robyn and maybe produce some music plus make some videos. You would be her producer, director and confidant to start with and maybe if GameLive pulls their collective good vibes something more could develop.

RJ, it’s not personal but I don’t wanna see Robyn end up with Blitty or Daft. Blitty already gets more than his (and others) share of trim and Robyn should be more than just another conquest. Daft, well I’m being nice to Daft because I promised Kato I would but let’s just say no Daft for Robyn.

Personally I would rather see Robyn with Muddy. Kind got a feeling Muddy wouldn’t actively pursue Robyn but I bet she has been the muse for more than a couple of Muddy’s lucid dreams but she probably transformed into like a Cyclops or something.

If not Muddy then you RJ. I think you would be good for her creative side as well as her suppressed spiritual (not traditional religion just spiritual) side.

RJ come back and lets get to work on this.

THIS is why I hate actually working at work, I miss the start of something good.

None of my business what Blitty did/said to/about Oksana but I hope it doesn't cause her to leave us for good. At the same time I don't want to see Oksana castrate Blitty either.

Oksana for the record I don't call females bitches or cunts, not because I'm a pussy I just have a thing about it. When I am thinking "BITCH" I try and find a euphemism like "Posting Princess". I do this so that long after I'm over being pissed and breaking keyboards the euphemism can carry on as an endearing term.

Teela, there are some similarities between the cast of characters on Cougar Town and the cast of charaters at GameLive. Pay attention.

P.S. I pretty much lost my man card when I openly admitted to the whole mind, body and soul thing as far as some are concerned.

here we go!

Short version, I am a fat fck that can deliver the Big “O” with the best of them. No, I’m not gonna dazzle them with physical prowess, I’m not gonna get her motor running with my chiseled features, I’m not gonna wet any panties with movie star good looks but if I get an opportunity to perform I deliver with amazing presence.

My sole purpose when with a lady is her complete and utter pleasure. I derive my own personal pleasure through her. I make love to a woman Robyn. Even if it’s just casual, even if it’s just a one nighter I make love to her. I make love to her body, her mind and even her soul.

Robyn, the fact that I chose to answer your question in the manner I have is proof alone of my uniqueness. I’m not so macho that I’m incapable of expressing a soft side. I’m not so self-indulged that I think I am doing the woman a favor by having sex with her. I recognize a woman being the most precious of all life’s creation and when with her I have no problem conveying just such a message.

Many men feel the need to live by the mantra that it’s “all about the pussy”. Well those guys are more motivated with impressing their male counter parts than they are about pleasing their lady. They are more geared towards satisfying their own egos than surrendering to the spiritual wonders of the female persona.

I love women Robyn. Not as conquest, not as trophies and certainly not as a mere objects. I women for what they represent to me. They are queens of the universe, mothers of possibilities and beholders of beauty. The world has never received a gift more worthy of our appreciation and admiration than a woman. I love women.
SBR Judie?
I am a reality junkie Dunder except for talent type or bachelor type reality shows, I come to the forums to escape my reality addiction.

Describe the type of woman (or if it floats your boat to do so, guy) you would entertain with these. If possible tell us what your expectations at the end of the night would include with each.

1: Tea & Crumpets

2: Wine & Cheese

3: Coffee & Scones

4: Beer & Nuts

5: Whiskey & Blow

6: Soda & Chips

Robyn I am sure my answer will only aggravate you but it is truthful at least even if boring. I like a woman who is diversified enough to go with each of the items. Ok maybe not the whiskey and blow but the rest. Course on second thought I do like strippers and porn stars and I wouldn’t have to participate in the refreshment portion I guess.

Tea & Crumpets:
An elegant lady, slightly more mature in age and stature. Obviously preferably English but not a requirement. She would require social events of the arts persuasion naturally. Out of my league on many levels but worth the effort to try and up my game. As for expectations this is a woman that while you certainly wouldn’t turn her down you realize it will take time and definitely be worth the wait.

Wine & Cheese:
She is sophisticated yet simple. She likes long walks in the park that end in a blanket spread on the shoreline as the sun sets. She is romantic but secretly desires to let herself go and be completely uninhibited. While obviously her passions are kept under control you know that this women will be an absolute beast once she lets you in.

Coffee & Scones:
An intellectual, a professional of sorts or maybe along the lines of a librarian. Again this is a woman you aren’t expecting to bed without some extensive effort. She likes to read and loves a lazy afternoon curled up cuddling on the sofa. She likes to travel and a nice Bed and Breakfast in some small little tucked away place makes her happy. She is extremely romantic and appreciates being made love too both physically as well as mentally. Of all the ladies on the list she is the least likely to rush into a sexual situation not because she doesn’t have equal desires but she is the most fearful of letting herself go. When she does though it is the ultimate in experiences because if you are the one whom she trust with what she cherish most you get more from her than of all the other women combined.

Beer & Nuts:
Obviously this is the have fun anywhere type. She doesn’t need to be romanced with fine dining and fancy trips. She doesn’t care if you’re sophisticated or even that well educated, the lady just wants to have fun. The cool thing about her and the fun is it can happen anywhere and involve anything. A movie, the beach, a club, hell she can make a trip to the grocery store an adventure. The sex? Forget about it. This chick is down for the dirty. A good chance you will get to experience just how down she is far sooner than any of the ladies on this list and just as good of a chance that while the experience might be different it won’t be any less memorable.

Soda & Chips:
Lets face it if this is the lady you are with you are taking advantage of some nave younger girl with a daddy complex. You are trying to feel good about getting older and looking to fulfill some sexual fantasy. While it may be true she just doesn’t drink and is super simple the chances are she’s SUPER SEEEMPLE. You’ll find her an easy score though. You won’t be proud or even find the sex to be all that good but hey, she’s barely out of high school and you’re a few years away from social security so what the hell.