Pally, you may be more schooled in "hipster women getting" than I am, but I find it a little hard to believe that they would fall for anything if someone agrees to fuck them.
Unless I am completely clueless, which is a strong possibility, I don't see many women waiting around for men to agree. It's usually the other way around.
what I would do is communicate with her in very subtle ways
at first she'd be like "is this guy cool? ok cool yeah he seems so"
then "haha wow this guy is pretty cool"
then "whoa this guy is unusually cool"
then "whoa. this guy is super cool"
then "wait a minute. is this guy one of "those" mega mega cool guys or am I just imagining things??? wow. i'm not sure what to do. i'll wait and see what happens the next few days"
Now, at this point she is right at the brink of the cult-worshiping stage. 99.9% of the time she feels completely in control, smart and cooler and badder than everyone, knows exactly whats going on, etc etc. But now she is actually in a real way shaken a bit, and feeling that kind of uncertainty she hasn't felt since she was a child. Now is when I go for the kill. a few days later.....
"oh my God. this guy is worship-level cool. Oh my God. Is he really?"
then "Oh my God. He really is! And he's emailing with me! and paying me all this attention and time. oh my God"
then "wow. wow. i wonder if i could get him INSIDE me! wow. I'm sure I can! 99% of guys I could have inside of me in 30 seconds! But.....oh my God......this is not one of those guys! maybe I actually
couldn't get him inside me......"
and then "wow. maybe i couldn't get him inside me. but i am in the presence of greatness. this is what i live for and dream about. I am finally interacting with a worship-level cool guy. this is awesome, and maybe someday he will
agree to be inside me"
you see how it works robyn?
mrs x let me get her email address common pal