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What Would You Do?

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I have actually had this happen to me. Well the check was for $400, and they gave me $500.

First of all, it is not a theft so get that bullshit out of your mind. At worst it is an oversight. I would walk away with the extra cash because they really have no recourse to determine that it was you. Don't worry about the teller and his/her job, odds are if they are giving extra money away to the tune of an extra grand, something would come up in their career to get them fired soon anyway.

So my advice is to take the cash, and just let it sit for about a month. If they call you and ask about it, make up a story that you didn't count the cash, and they have allot of balls accusing you of something when it was totally their mistake to begin with. If by some chance they say they have proof that they overpaid you, then just say wow, I didn't even notice because I have such trust in your bank, that I wasn't paying attention when the teller counted out the dough, and I just took the money and put it under my pillow.

never said he should be made out to be some kind of hero, if the woman was dumb enough to make a mistake like that then I doubt she's cut out for that job anyway, "too bad for her " is god damn right. I'm far from a sociopath but in life I've taken advantage of dumber/weaker people than myself and have had the same thing happen to me in return. I was once a confused little bleeding heart, free loving liberal like yourself Wall, took me a few years to figure out that deep down inside, 95% of people don't give a shit about you or your problems, in fact most are glad you have them. The fact that you think Brock should seriously care about the well being of some random bank teller is downright offensive to me

you shouldn't harden your heart intentionally

The important things to keep in mind when deciding how "moral" or "ethical" or "altruistic" or "charitable" or etc etc etc to be is to remember that being "good" is it's own reward, you shouldn't expect anything other than the knowledge that you were that way. If that's not enough of a "reward" for being "good", then you maybe shouldn't try to be that way.

The flip side is that there are "consequences" for being "bad" that if you suffer them, you have no one to blame but yourself. Whether they are legal, personal, physical, etc etc.

Most people of course act morally out of fear/inertia. The primary reason most people "don't steal" is because they are "afraid of jail". Whether they would steal if there were no jail is something most people don't even ever think about, because the answer gets cut off at "no" for a host of fear-based reasons.

If I do something "good", it doesn't matter to me if the person doesn't appreciate it, is glad for other people's problems, etc etc. Of course, who people are is the main component of whether I am "good" to them or not. If I knew someone was immoral I'd be way way less likely to act morally towards them than someone I knew was moral.

But the point is, if I'm "good" to someone, the act is its own reward to me. I don't expect anyone to notice, I certainly don't expect anyone to care, and I certainly don't expect to get any kind of "reward" for it.

In reality, there are of course, essentially some rewards. People DO notice who you are, and based on that, you attract a certain kind of person and a certain kind of attention. I have a small number of very good and close friends I have accumulated in life, and I could see them as a "reward" for me being who I am. And of course there can be other kinds of rewards, for practical purposes - some financial, some having to do with careers, etc etc.

But the point is you are always best off being morally who you really are, not who you think you should be for whatever reason. It's common knowledge forever that "righteous" people suffer in the world, whether you look at the Bible, Game Theory, or anywhere. But if you are naturally that way, you are better off being that way, and dealing with the consequences, than not being that way, and dealing with other unnatural consequences.

For instance, posting - posting is its own reward. There may be other incidental rewards, but fundamnetally, if you don't see posting as its own reward, you probably shouldn't be doing it.

Like this post for instance. Maybe someone will read it and like me more than they did before. Maybe mrs x will read it and send me down her female friends. Maybe someone on gl will hit the lottery and hire me to be their life coach because of this post. But the only real reason I am making it is because I believe it needs to be said, at this moment, and that is by far enough of a reward for me to do it. Another small side reward is that it's taking my mind off of the lebron team prop which I FOOLISHLY bet and then tried to hedge out of and am now in a terrible position. I need Miami to lose only a little. One time common.
Recent events have made it pretty clear that banks are more than happy to take chances to further their profits that have enormous negative repercussions on individuals around the world. I'm not making a case for two wrongs make a right, but if you're going to look at the bank, and look at Brock Landers keeping the $1000, and decide which party is more likely to screw wally over, you'd better not pick Brock Landers.

There is a pretty big distinction here, MrX. The error was made by a credit union employee, not a bank. Credit unions are by nature not-for-profit entities and most were not deeply involved in the subprime nightmare as they tend to serve the best interests of their shareholders (members).
No Nina, I am very proud to say I am not the only one who thinks. attempts to live or acts like he was brought up with good character traits.

I do think it's it's important to note that the "quote" good side in this debate is not of a moral or even righteous standpoint, it is of an ethical one. For instance I like porn which by many accounts falls far short of a good moral base and certainly isn't walking the righteous path but it isn't exactly unethical.
When considering the difference between ethics and morals, it may be helpful to consider a criminal defense lawyer. Though the lawyer’s personal moral code likely finds murder immoral and reprehensible, ethics demand the accused client be defended as vigorously as possible, even when the lawyer knows the party is guilty and that a freed defendant would potentially lead to more crime. Legal ethics must override personal morals for the greater good of upholding a justice system in which the accused are given a fair trial and the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The prosecution and court must also deal with the difference between ethics and morals. In some cases past actions of the accused might resonate with the current charge, but are kept out of evidence so as not to prejudice the jury. In a sense, the prosecutor “lies by omission” in representing the case, never revealing the prejudicial evidence. The same prosecutor, however, would likely find it reprehensible to fail to tell a friend if her date had a potentially dangerous or suspect history.

Another area in which ethics and morals can clash is at the workplace where company ethics can play against personal morality. Corporate greed that blurs its own ethical lines coupled with unreasonable demands on time can lead to having to chose between a stressful, demanding and consuming work ethic, and family obligations seen as moral obligations to spouse and children. Conversely, people lose jobs every day because of poor personal morals, employee theft being a common reason for dismissal.

In society, we are all faced with the butting heads of ethics and morals. Abortion is legal and therefore medically ethical, while many people find it personally immoral. Fundamentalists, extremists, and even mainstream theists all have different ideas about morality that impact each of our lives, even if indirectly through social pressures or legal discrimination.

In the case of homosexuality, many believe it is morally wrong, yet some of the same people also believe it is unethical to discriminate legally against a group of people by disallowing them the same rights afforded heterosexuals. This is a plain example of ethics and morals at battle. Ethics and morals are central issues as the world strives to overcome current challenges and international crossroads. Hopefully, in the coming years, a growing understanding will lead to peaceful and productive solutions

It's ethical of me to point out that I did not write this I pulled it off the net even though I wasn't morally obligated to point that out.
This is one of my favorite gamelive threads ever.

I still agree with my earlier statement.

I would also like to point out that I am very disappointed that my job keeps me from partaking in the tomfoolerly when the rest of you fucks are online and at your best.

I have a home office day tomorrow, please do not let me down.
fuk the first quotation mark was supposed to go before "primed" not "insertion"

fuk, those details are important in posting-as-art

mrs x what about your friend lets make this happen

Pally, I don't have the power Pally. She is awesome and scary. Erika hangs out with Psycho (half gay), Deranged (not gay) and Ecko (gay). They are three of the best players on our travel team. She's told me stories Pally. They would kill you Pally. Psycho and Deranged are sisters. They look almost exactly alike.



and Psycho used to date. But now Ecko is with another woman and they are having a baby. This is too much for you to handle Pally. You should stick with chunky, Midwestern women who vacation in Vegas.
Pally, I don't have the power Pally. She is awesome and scary. Erika hangs out with Psycho (half gay), Deranged (not gay) and Ecko (gay). They are three of the best players on our travel team. She's told me stories Pally. They would kill you Pally. Psycho and Deranged are sisters. They look almost exactly alike.



and Psycho used to date. But now Ecko is with another woman and they are having a baby. This is too much for you to handle Pally. You should stick with chunky, Midwestern women who vacation in Vegas.

whoa that is a MEAN LOOKING LESBIAN holy sh*t

that lesbian would file 15 different lawsuits and discrimination complaints against me before I could even blink

that lesbian would get me fired from jobs that i didnt even have

why are lesbians so mad all the time?

and also, why do lesbians have such awful senses of humor and why do lesbians make such horrible music?

mrs x ask ecko and psycho why all that is

so this "erika" is a lesbian?? i dont believe it, i believe she is at most, a "hipster" or "alternative"

I'm sure she's had a "girlfriend" before but i do not believe that erika is a lesbian

she would probably laugh though when I did my sex techniques and romantic efforts trying to get her "aroused" or "wet"

send her to me anyway, let me get her email address I will win her over through email watch you will be impressed
Pally, Erika probably likes shaved balls. You never had a chance. Sorry pal.

no, hipster women will go for anything if you can get in into their heads that you are "cool" or "underground" because then if you agree to fuk them it validates their own idea of themselves as being "cool" and "bad ass" and "underground" too

the specifics matter less with them than they do with most categories of women

robyn i can get this one i'm telling you

I can get this one through email

she will be dying to come visit me