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What Would You Do?

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I really hope Brock's wife doesn't have a brother, because if my sister ever married a fuck up like Brock, I kill the fucking bastard.


i wonder if he makes her "cum"

i wonder if, when he is primed for "insertion", if she's thinking something like "oh God YESSS!!! this is WHAT I CRAVE!!! just to have brock landers INSIDE OF ME!!!"

or if she sees it as more of a "chore" that she "has to do" at least a certain number of times

or if she "cringes" at the thought of his "touch"

I wonder if she "masturbates" when he's not around


i wonder if he makes her "cum"

i wonder if, when he is primed for "insertion", if she's thinking something like "oh God YESSS!!! this is WHAT I CRAVE!!! just to have brock landers INSIDE OF ME!!!"

or if she sees it as more of a "chore" that she "has to do" at least a certain number of times

or if she "cringes" at the thought of his "touch"

I wonder if she "masturbates" when he's not around


hook it up mrs. x
Cougar, if this story is true it makes Brock a bigger douchebag than if it was made up.

Think about it for a second ok.

#1: Knowing takes advantage of someones mistake. Now i realize that this delima might be considered a gift, good fortune or whatever depending on the individuals moral compass and agreed not everyones is the same.

#2: You have such a NEED to try and big some kind of doucheberry legend that you are not only compelled to call your friends and brag about it you go online and tell the virtual world what a true champ you are and what an amazing score you just got.

#3: The thought that someone who made this mistake could lose their job means nothing because you are not concerned about the lives of other people. Ok this isn't only a Brock point of view, a great many people have no concern for others but it makes it no less douchey.

#4: You get caught, ratted out or whatever actually might have happened and you are more focused on a do gooder who got all up in your mix than taking responsibility for your initial unethical score and your own stupidity in being so attention starved you had to brag about it to everyone.

Brock, if the stories are true has cost his family thousands of dollars due to his addiction. He continues to live a lie in the face of this addiction and put his families future at risk. Kudos to the guy for taken on a second job delivering pizzas to pay back his debt but continuing to put yourself in the same environment that got you into trouble in the first place shows incredible lack of self control and lieing to your family about it shows an enormous failure of character.

Sounds like I am passing judgement but I'm not. I'm just explaining the reasons I don't care for the guy.

I'm not a perfect person Coug's. God knows I have done things I am not proud of and chances are I will again do something that cause me personal shame. What I have never done nor will I ever do is displace the blame from my stupid actions on to someone else.
bunch of whiny bitches, I'm with you guys on the whole boasting about this shit on the internet but anyone who is rambling on about some moral compass bullshit is a complete jackass, OH NO.... Brock capitalized on a mistake from some greedy ass bank

let me give you a list of people on this site who would have done the exact same thing brock did,

bunch of whiny bitches, I'm with you guys on the whole boasting about this shit on the internet but anyone who is rambling on about some moral compass bullshit is a complete jackass, OH NO.... Brock capitalized on a mistake from some greedy ass bank

let me give you a list of people on this site who would have done the exact same thing brock did,


So there is no accounting for the actions we make in life that affect the lives of others. Banks are greedy so anything that they get took for all good right? The teller was dumb for making the mistake so too bad for her right? Interest rates go higher and higher because people default on loans. banks get robbed and tellers make mistakes so too bad for average Joe who is next in line to get his loan right?

Actions have reprecutions that often affect the innocent, but let's make heros out of the ones that get away with it. That about sum it up?
never said he should be made out to be some kind of hero, if the woman was dumb enough to make a mistake like that then I doubt she's cut out for that job anyway, "too bad for her " is god damn right. I'm far from a sociopath but in life I've taken advantage of dumber/weaker people than myself and have had the same thing happen to me in return. I was once a confused little bleeding heart, free loving liberal like yourself Wall, took me a few years to figure out that deep down inside, 95% of people don't give a shit about you or your problems, in fact most are glad you have them. The fact that you think Brock should seriously care about the well being of some random bank teller is downright offensive to me
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Doing anything you can get away with to a bank? Yeah I'm all for it.

Brock being beyond all help? That fact has been known for a long time.

I mean the guy still thinks Nicky was admiring his handicapping skills when he wrote for the hundredth time: "How did Brock know Cincinnati was gonna win"

And thinks JJ is a friend of his after making that vid where he phones Brock, claims the conversation is private, laughs at his troubles, etc.

Maybe Brock is trying to be jj. Only problem is JJ could never make it if he was truly JJ.
I know what you're saying Wal, I really do. People can look at it all sorts of ways. I look at it as, the teller made a huge error and should probably not be working there. $1,000? Seriously? She got lucky because Brock chose to make a thread about it and got caught. I really don't think the bank would have figured it out on their own. I use a credit union as well, and my town is a lot bigger than Champaign. Even our credit union is kinda old school. No idea what the Champaign Credit Union is like. I have done some dumb things in my life and karma is a bitch sometimes. It all comes around, that much I have learned. I will rarely come down on a poster like I am Jesus Christ though. That's the reason I stopped going to church altogether. Too many people who think they don't make mistakes with their nose in your life. It's BS. The best part is most of them are complete pieces of garbage in real life, they just hide all their short comings to present some sort of fake life for you to believe. If God exists, let him judge.
So there is no accounting for the actions we make in life that affect the lives of others. Banks are greedy so anything that they get took for all good right? The teller was dumb for making the mistake so too bad for her right? Interest rates go higher and higher because people default on loans.

Recent events have made it pretty clear that banks are more than happy to take chances to further their profits that have enormous negative repercussions on individuals around the world. I'm not making a case for two wrongs make a right, but if you're going to look at the bank, and look at Brock Landers keeping the $1000, and decide which party is more likely to screw wally over, you'd better not pick Brock Landers.