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What Would You Do?

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Brock it was me who called.

I wanted one of those final four basketballs they use to give out when you got a pizza. They said they didn't have any and I snapped. I ratted your ass out, but who cares about a shitty delivery job, your family will just bail your ass out. Have your father in law deliver pizzas and then have him give you the tips.
I don't give a shit about Brock. Actually I loathe him.

But I agree with Herman. The shit should stick to the boards.

And I've been guilty of taking it further before so I'm no better.

But in retrospect, all these dumb battles should be left here. IMO.

Cuz fact of the matter is, no matter how much you hate a poster at times, you would get along with them great IRL.

We're all the same in little ways, if not many.

And that is Bread's pussy post for the day. Enjoy.
Found it.

For everyone giving Nina crap let's switch it up for a second.

Your wife, girlfriend, or even yourself goes down to pay your utility bill. You're out of checks or whatever and you are paying in cash. The bill is $560 and you hand the cash over to the clerk. As she is collecting the money to re-count it out she inadvertently drops a couple of $100 bills and they get lodged under something on the counter out of sight. As she counts the money you are $200 short. You know you gave her the right amount and she knows what she has just counted back to you. You're not wrong and she's not wrong but you have to come up with the additional $200 or your lights are getting shut off.

Now later in the day the clerk finds the lost bills. She didn't mean to make the mistake but she is now the one who is guilty of making it. She could make things right but decides what the hell and pockets the free money. Obviously the customer had enough to keep their lights on and pay the extra and the electric company has their money so what the hell.

A fellow teller sees what has happened.

Do you want this teller to keep their mouth shut and just let you be out that $200 or do you want that teller to do the right but not easy thing here and come forth and help you get your money back?

It's always easy to point fingers at people who get involved in business that isn't their own when it suits your perspective but when the perspective gets switched up it's not always the same story.
I don't think differently about the person who called Pizza Hut.

Hopefully Butch takes a pipe to their knees. Hilarious.

I don't care that people think I am a retard for talking to Brock Landers.

I am not drinking.

Everyone in your life will disappoint you in some way, hold on...

okay, that was awful
Coug's for the record I don't think you retarded. I do think that in your quest for interesting and unusual people though you will encounter monumental douchebag sleazeballs like Brock. You're a good guy Coug's just think sometimes you're too accepting. Maybe in the long run though that makes you a better person.
Coug's for the record I don't think you retarded. I do think that in your quest for interesting and unusual people though you will encounter monumental douchebag sleazeballs like Brock. You're a good guy Coug's just think sometimes you're too accepting. Maybe in the long run though that makes you a better person.

Eh...same could be said for weirdos like Bread and Robyn.

Wally.....You really have to stop caring SO MUCH.

Care a little bit. But you haven't even met anyone yet, and yet you care TOO MUCH.

Meet us out next Miami trip. Then care. You care too much about strangers. Insaniity.

Caring is good. But you can't offer advice til you really know someone. IMO
Bread it's not like I care to the point my life would be over if one of you suffered a horrific accident. I would be sad. I would miss the interactions, the forum would be different. My life would carry on though. Carrying for people/strangers isn't that difficult. Carrying is NOT the same as TRUSTING or putting ones faith in someone. I care for many Bread, I truly trust very few.