Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

There is a sweet spot during which all the bitches will check me out because of my perfect stubble. I know I have roughly 12 hours to put the moves on said bitches when that happens.

Obviously I'm as good as married and I've got absolutely no game with the ladies, but it's nice to daydream.

Matty, I thought youd be able to grow one, seem to remember stuble in your pictures. I of course can grow a nice one :grin: but prob some grey

You'd be surprised how much grey will be in your beard. Probably the biggest reason I don't have a beard is the amount of grey hair it would contain.

Fokk that.

Can't grow it out here either but my short range beard game is pretty lethal, with that and the blue eyes I start to look like a rock star

Don't forget the voice.

I think it's quite sexy.
For a dude with fat ankles.
Sox Plommer.

This whole time I've been transferring files from my external drive to my thumb drive to watch them in the living room.

Oh that's right I can just plug the external hard drive in out there so all those transfers were a waste of time

You're doing it wrong. :facepalm:
There is a sweet spot during which all the bitches will check me out because of my perfect stubble. I know I have roughly 12 hours to put the moves on said bitches when that happens.

Obviously I'm as good as married and I've got absolutely no game with the ladies, but it's nice to daydream.


noticed this phenomenon myself.