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Strangest damn shit of all time at the Oscars..

You don't say. I see that the patting ourselves on the back ceremony involved a bald guy appearing on stage and yelling "stop there's been a mistake"

We watched "HENRY" last night. For a first, first person view movie,it wasn't too bad. There were some parts that were ridiculously fake, and some where I legit felt as though I was watching a video game, just with real life people instead. I wouldn't seek it out again, but just for the feel of it, Id say check it out.

Cami, what kind of report is that? I expect an insightful analysis from you. ..unlike from the rest of these jokers:sparesomecutter:
The more I think about it, the more I like Moonlight as a Best Picture winner. Thinking back on what happens in it ---> it's good.

The actual watching of it was an odd trip. It had these extended, very, very deliberate bits - almost to the point where I was thinking, 'Okay, wherever we are headed with this, let's get going,' - but then there would be a big fucking gutpunch. Like wow. And then we would do it again.

I bet it will be better on a rewatch than the first time.

I mean, there's no sense revising history. I think I had it ranked about 6th of the 9 nominees (albeit with a respectable rating of 7+). But now I am trying it on for size - Moonlight as a Best Picture winner - I don't mind the fit.

It is definitely the most traditionally Oscarish of the group.
that thing would make me dizzy

Yeah the camera definitely moves around a lot. My thoughts were that it would have a better feel if it were 3D.
Cami, what kind of report is that? I expect an insightful analysis from you. ..unlike from the rest of these jokers:sparesomecutter:

I don't really have an insightful opinion of this one. It's the first movie of it's kind, and it wasn't bad....to me it lacked emotion, it lacked that connection you would normally get with or to a character. Hell, I've seen video games with more emotion than that.

Next few movies on my list are:
Hidden Figures
Assassins creed (I just want to see it to compare it to the game)

ok make that two, I can't remember the names of the others right now. It's too early to think this hard lol
Here's the accountant that royally fucked up at the Oscars. What's he doing? Tweeting. Just moments before Best Picture is to be announced.


He tweeted a pic of Emma Stone.


But he still had two envelopes. Dude, the one for Best Actress? With the chick you just tweeted a pic of? Who was super-happy because she won?

You don't need that one anymore.


Dude, you had one job. :facepalm:
Gotta say too though. While, as I was saying, I appreciate Moonlight's suitability as a Best Picture winner, the more time that passes, the more the gap between last year's top contenders - Spotlight and The Revenant - increases.

At the time, I was on board with the oddsmakers who had it as a pick 'em. But now I strongly feel: Spotlight was the far more suitable winner.

The Revenant was an enjoyable gritty flick with good acting and some fascinating special f/x - but it was basically a formula revenge tale - while Spotlight was really about some shit.
Watched season 1 of Taboo.

I will check out season 2 if there is one. So it is on the thumbs up side. But not by a ton. If there is a season 2, it will have to find me; I will not be actively checking for it.

So VERY serious. Humorless. I generally like Tom Hardy but in this, not so much. He basically hit 1 note in 8 episodes. One unending brood.

The show itself has a fairly engaging main plot involving governments and an evil corporation. That's what works. But then it has a secondary thing full of pseudo-supernatural mumbo jumbo. It's not really spelled out what they're getting at with that. Just seems gratuitous and like they think I'll be going, "Oooooh." But I just kept shrugging.

Oona Chaplin is an odd duck. Not in an especially good way.

Rating? I'll say 5.4 out of 10.

Can he brood? Yes he can.

Get Out (2017) - after the extremely positive way it has been received - rated fresh by 176 of 177 critics at RT - with 89% approval from audiences - the one thing I felt sure of going in was I could not give it a thumbs down. That would just feel like contrarianism which I find so fundamentally lame. I mean, I hoped it would be good and I would not want to but . . .

. . . dammit, I have no choice. Thumbs down. It's not very good.

I don't know what people are thinking. It has the feel of The Emperor's New Clothes to me.

So it's a horror movie. That is just not a genre I love - so there's that - but even if you do, it's not that overwhelmingly great. The premise is very silly - but then that's true of many (most?) horrors - but okay, many people like silly horrors ---> but it's the degree of unanimity that makes no sense to me.

It is getting a ton of credit for it's social commentary about racism. I have no idea what people are seeing. There are a few random observations about racism which are far from fresh that are only tangentially related to what happens.

The lead actor is not good at all IMO and there is a really bad plot hole that falsely allows something critical to happen. I thought it might be a bit funny but no, not really.

4.4 out of 10

This is the point in the review where I post a pic. I'm going with this. I don't know who she is but she totally stole the show for me.

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I watched Master of None - Season 1. It was okay. It seemed very promising for awhile but lost momentum in the second half.

I have it as an overall thumbs up - rating of 5.8 out of 10 - but I know there is a season 2 coming out in May and I doubt I'll bother.

A lot of people love it and it won some awards but I'm just like whateva.
