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Whaddaya gonna do?

At least they got bewbies. Not Maggie Siff bewbies I don't think (not that I actually want those bewbies) but at least it's not like AMC shows with their painful attempts to be sexy while actors do strange unnatural contortions and coverage to avoid showing bewbies.

But yeah, I imagine we are still waiting for a daring pioneer of American TV to step up and be the first to show a flow.
Walk in the Woods (2015) - Just kinda sad for me, this flic.

You got Robert Redford and Nick Nolte whose careers I would rate as somewhere between distinguished (Nolte) and very distinguished (Redford) - and this is just a quarter-baked, eye-rollable bellyflop.

Coupla old coots attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail. Hijinx ensue. Well not hijinx exactly. More like not-much-of anything.

Did you catch this one MrX?

Oh well.

3.4 out of 10.

Did you catch this one MrX?

Yes, that misfortune was mine.

I knew it would be terrible. The only thing entertaining about the book is Bryson's writing style, if you like that sort of thing. Not much story there. The movie would need to be 80% voice-over to get the feel of the book.

Wild was pretty decent, though.

I got Wild at 5.4 so slight thumbs up but I guess I had some problems with it. I can't even remember. Did not make a strong lasting impression.

I have started a movies/TV spreadsheet for myself and I now make a short write-up after everything I rate but I guess Wild was before that. I got nothing.

Laura Dern maybe? Vague impression that her character wasn't working for me?

I tried out the first episode of Outcast. I won't be pursuing it.

It didn't seem bad per se - production values were reasonably good. If I hear some credible positive buzz about it down the road, I would have no problem rejoining the fray.

But I am not in the mood for a tale of supernatural possessions and whatnot. I guess you could say Preacher is that - and I am watching that for now - but it has a whacky edge at all times. And it is about a bunch of different things anyway.

Outcast is just so utterly humorless about it all.

Pass for now.
I am currently watching the movie Ted 2 - which I feel sure will not end up earning a recommendation from me - but anyway there is a running gag where Amanda Seyfried gets compared to Gollum. Not sure what that's about. Maybe it will be explained later.

Maybe it's something about the eyes? I guess I can maybe see that? A bit? She is one of those girls who is highly variable in how hot she looks depending on the angle and expression.

I like her though. Sometimes she really has a quality.

Yeah I guess there is a thing out there about her resembling Gollum. The eyes seem to be the main point. And she is obviously willing to play along with it.


Anyway Ted 2 (2015) - 4.1 out of 10.

There are a handful of good laughs but definitely not something to be recommended. Morgan Freeman, I just feel embarrassed for.