Started The Grand Budapest Hotel then promptly shut it off around the 5-minute mark. I knew it was based on an S. Zweig story, but not that it was made by fokkin' Wes Anderson.
For some reason W. Anderson's aesthetics turn me off completely. I have zero interest in sitting through some weird not-quite-of-this-world art house bullshit.
Put on The Imitation Game instead, about Alan Turing. I'm not sure why the Brits spent so much time trying to reverse-engineer the Enigma machine when other methods (i.e. planting a spy to intercept the daily settings) seemed so much simpler. In the end, they didn't so much crack the machine as they leveraged human tendency to write the same way over and over again.
Anyhoo, that's not really the point of the movie. I'm not sure the movie had a point other than educate the masses about Alan Turing. It's very similar to The Theory of Everything in its semi-documentary approach.
It was fine.
7 Matty Rains