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Never cared for Jim Carrey. Dreaded any of his skits on In Living Color.

hah, thats the 1st thing that comes to mind too when I think of Carrey. I really don't care for that whole overacting(?) type of comedy.

Once Damon and his brother started making less and less appearances the show went downhill fast.

Homey Thee Clown, Homeboys Shopping Network, that was the shit:pope:

They had some other great talents on the show, but they started emphasizing the grotesquely annoying too much instead of the hip and funny. Still one of the best shows of my era anyway:guitar:
Mudday! That Olive Ki...2nd episode was way better:clapper: It took me half the show to figure out they moved far in time (wtf, main couple looks same) I now getting an appreciation for what they're trying to do. pretty good :hmm:

How about Olive fussing around with her hands at kitchen table?..its a thing (1st ep. I thought it was ridiculous) but now laughing.
...and stealing all that crap :lol:

disclaimer: movie was watched under the influence of a perfect bus combining red bull/vodka, somekind of edible marijuana chocolate, and nocotine gum
Yeah it's a very literary sort of thing where the undertones are as much the point as the "action."

I can actually relate to Olive a fair bit. I make more of an effort in life to practice acceptance - where she tends to go straight to hostility/anger/sadness - but I get her.
Ok, the actress who plays Louie's younger daughter is some kind of child prodigy. Not only can she act but she can play the violin much better than any non-Chinese child should. Scene in the stairs with the Hungarian chick was unreal. They were both playing for real.

How the fok does CK even write these disjointed episodes?
Louie - loved the 1st 2 episodes but now too much of this banter between the fat chick going crazy and now the younger daughter is an annoying focal point, last 4 episodes ho hum. Hungarian (kind of) girlfriend kind of funny but I want her to go away and for Louie to get back with the crazy Californication chick. Those two can provide funny dialogue. Best line between those 2 episodes easily what Louie would do if in a plane crash and everyone had to eat each other.


Ellen Burstyn was prime plommer material 45 years ago.
