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great show on hbolatino...just watched season1 and will watch season2 when someone makes the english subs
Yeah in terms of 1st season shows I have been watching lately, it was an opposite trajectory to Masters of Sex. They're at around the same rating now but HoC started higher and is gradually dipping, while MoS started lower and is trending up.

At least I am fairly comfortable with them unlike shows like Ray Donovan and The Newsroom where every episode carries a referendum whether to continue or not.
Gotta say, I'm not big on the Ron Burgundy phenomenon. I only saw the the first Anchorman in the last year. Saw no reason to regret waiting so long. Don't care if I see the sequel or not. I see a lot of clips of Will Ferrell traveling around doing publicity now, and very few of them are funny. They are often like, "That's kind of an interesting way to go about things. It's different."

But not actually funny.

That clip has much more of a pushing me away effect than drawing me in. The wrong address thing is one tiny joke that had a grain of potential humor that might have been good for 5 seconds, but they kinda missed the target and then they took their nothing and kept drawing it out forever. The Steve Carrell eating garbage thing, same deal. There were a couple amusing comments and expressions in that clip so okay, it's not all completely worthless, but gimme a break with that weak shit.

I know the release of the new movie is a big event for a lot of people and I don't wish to piss on anybody's Corn Flakes. But it felt good to say that.
What are recent comical movies/tv shows that you like, muddy?

I'm guessing it's a very short list..

I watch most episodes of the Daily Show and find it very funny. Other than that, I watch South Park and Family Guy. I continue to watch The Simpsons for some reason. New episodes have been dubious for quite awhile but some reruns are hilarious.

I watch Shameless, Veep, Girls and Nurse Jackie although they are all currently on hiatus.

My reviews on those vary.

As far as movies: most things by the Coen Brothers.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Some of the funniest shows to me aren't really comedies. Not that they would be called recent but I found that The Sopranos and The Wire had more laughs for me than most actual comedy shows. Same with Deadwood, Six Feet Under and Justified.
I watched the premier of Mob City yesterday which is the new Frank Darabont creation. It seemed okay. It has a bit of an L.A. Confidential vibe to it. I'll keep watching. In fact they ran two episodes to kick it off so I've still got #2 here which I'll watch right now.