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In all the excitement about a new Cohen brothers movie, I somehow missed that there was a new Spike Jonze movie. Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlet Johansonn. Fuck, yeah.

Jonze hasn't made a movie that I haven't loved. Can't wait.


I just read a very positive review about that. My impression is Scarlett just does voice work in it?? Not positive about that.

Anyway there are quite a few things happening by year's end that I want to see. Good time for movies.
Downfall (Der Untergang) (2004) - Yes, the source of the infamous "Hitler reacts" meme. I had never seen the movie before.

Well, that was a barrel of laughs. I especially liked the part where Mrs. Goebbels methodically murders her 6 kids.

8.4 Teutonic Mattys out of a possible 10
American Hustle

Overrated film. Relationships between characters feel very rushed even though the film clocks in at over 2 hours.


The scene with Robert Deniro feels very forced and almost a satire of Deniro himself. Very out of place and not slightly believable.

Bale is very good in this film and Amy Adams is ridiculously sexy all around. You have to buy into ridiculousness to enjoy this film at all.

6.75 Trons
American Hustle

Overrated film. Relationships between characters feel very rushed even though the film clocks in at over 2 hours.


The scene with Robert Deniro feels very forced and almost a satire of Deniro himself. Very out of place and not slightly believable.

Bale is very good in this film and Amy Adams is ridiculously sexy all around. You have to buy into ridiculousness to enjoy this film at all.

6.75 Trons
I saw a review with some clips and, much as I try to integrate Jennifer Lawrence into my movie-watching mojo, she just doesn't work for me at all. She was brutal in the clips I saw. (But then I found her brutal in Silver Linings Playbook and they gave her an Oscar.)

As I was saying recently, I saw her in an interview recently and she came off fairly appealing as a person, but the acting ---> NO!

The review rated AH an A+
American Hustle

Overrated film. Relationships between characters feel very rushed even though the film clocks in at over 2 hours.


The scene with Robert Deniro feels very forced and almost a satire of Deniro himself. Very out of place and not slightly believable.

Bale is very good in this film and Amy Adams is ridiculously sexy all around. You have to buy into ridiculousness to enjoy this film at all.

6.75 Trons

This is disappointing TRON.

I don't have much desire to see American Hustle.

I saw Inside Llewyn Davis the other night.

Excellent. It's always impressive how much shit the Coen Brothers can throw at their characters without forcing a lot of (or any) redemption in there (A Simple Man, being the perfect example). I sure respect them for that. To say it's refreshing is an understatement.

John Goodman's appearance is relatively brief, but it's awesome.

The whole thing is beautifully shot, of course.

Just good solid stuff all the way around. A+.
Where did I get the idea that The Host was a good movie? I recorded something called The Host and started watching it - was finding it startlingly bad - lasted half an hour but I don't see myself carrying on with it.

This one has Saoirse (sp?) Ronan and Diane Kruger and a bunch of nobodies. Maybe there is another movie called The Host that is good?

Or maybe my wires are just all crossed.
I finished re-watching the entire Sopranos series.

I still have Breaking Bad as an overall better series. Sopranos definitely has it's moments, but how they handled the last season I think leaves a lot to be desired. And it's not just the ending. The little Anthony episodes where he's constantly being a depressed bitch really hurt the show. First of all he was never a main focus of the show then suddenly it's 30-40% of the story line. I also felt they took the easy way out on how Tony's therapy ended. Then there's the ending. I'm not sure what we are supposed to gather other than they left it open ended because they didn't want resolution. Either that or to leave people talking about it. Or maybe they just wanted it to be artsy. I don't know. I love the quick cutaways and the tension that builds in that last scene but you don't create tension for no reason, at least not without delivering in some fashion or another.

Breaking Bad always delivered, I think that's the main reason why it's a better series.
I found the movie Gangster Squad (2013) quite entertaining. I see a lot of complaints about it on the forums. I actually agree with the content of the main complaints - lotta cliches and predictable turns - but I thought that was okay in this case. I just took it as a popcorn movie. I don't call it an all-timer but like 7.3 out of 10 for me.

Only problem is I am simultaneously watching the show (mini-series??) Mob City and they overlap so much both in terms of style and content, that I sometimes forget which plot points come from where.

I finished re-watching the entire Sopranos series.

I still have Breaking Bad as an overall better series. Sopranos definitely has it's moments, but how they handled the last season I think leaves a lot to be desired. And it's not just the ending. The little Anthony episodes where he's constantly being a depressed bitch really hurt the show. First of all he was never a main focus of the show then suddenly it's 30-40% of the story line. I also felt they took the easy way out on how Tony's therapy ended. Then there's the ending. I'm not sure what we are supposed to gather other than they left it open ended because they didn't want resolution. Either that or to leave people talking about it. Or maybe they just wanted it to be artsy. I don't know. I love the quick cutaways and the tension that builds in that last scene but you don't create tension for no reason, at least not without delivering in some fashion or another.

Breaking Bad always delivered, I think that's the main reason why it's a better series.

I think its a fairly common cop out move that you see in movies. The writers are capable of creating fascinating havoc but they are unable to provide believable reasons or resolutions for it. Too many lose ends in that show.