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I have only seen episode 1 of Luther so far. Thought it was very good. I got the DVD's right in the middle of my Six Feet Under catch-up and heading into Sunday when all my current shows run, so I haven't gotten into any flow.

Good though. My buddy dropped off the first two seasons (which is just 10 episodes altogether).
I've seen it before and really liked it. Liked it this time too but just had trouble following every turn of the plot. Lapses in concentration for some reason.

It is a script which I would describe as sparkling. Wonderful script.

Kind of love Michelle Monaghan too. Not sure why her career isn't bigger. I mean, I get that there are 10 zillion young actresses that would gladly trade places with her, but she is talented and hot enough to be right up at the top IMO.
Re Boardwalk Empire

I am kind of hoping season 4 is more like the first 2 and not so much like 3. Not that 3 was bad but it was dominated by that very conventional arc of the absurdly dastardly villain. 1 & 2 had more finesse.

Looks like I am getting my wish. After 2 episodes they are not jumping into any really obvious people-pleasing arcs. There is a lot more subtlety and underlying menace.

I would guess it is not good for ratings. Not sure - I'd have to check. Good for Mudcat though.

Really, really impressed with the dialogue. Bunch of lines in episode 2 that made me say wow. Nothing to do with action. Just really thoughtful, incisive, in some cases funny, writing.
Just watched last night's Daily Show which had Chelsea Clinton as a guest. What I wondered most: does a future in politics seem likely?

Short answer: yes.

She comes off as quite charming. She is interested in worthy causes. She has clearly had training in public speaking but some personality comes through in a safe but mostly positive way. I found her odd and awkward looking growing up but it is pretty much under control. She has beautiful long blonde hair.

Just one thing, Chelsea. Probably don't wear that black and yellow outfit again but mostly - stop with that eye-bugging mannerism. It makes you look like a psycho.

Anyone else see that?
I missed that interview. She actually turned out to be an attractive woman. She went through the awkward teenage years in the public eye, which is unfortunate. I would find it odd if she did not go into politics based on the environment that she has been in her entire life. What is with her new desire to be in the public spotlight? Someone in the family must be running for office soon...
Hmm. I just had a quick look at YouTube to see if other vids showed the eye-bugging mannerism but not really (not that I looked super hard).

I found one vid making a case she has had a lot of plastic surgery. I buy it.

Can't find the actual Daily Show interview except for this which is not available in my area. Maybe Americans can view it (??) if anyone wants to confirm/deny my findings regarding that yellow-and-black number she's wearing and tell me if I am imagining things with the eye-bugging. My perception was it happened early and often. Maybe I'm nuts.
