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Now if someone had said to me a couple days ago, "Remember when Catherine O'Hara was in Six Feet Under?" I would have said they were mistaken and thinking of something else. I watched the whole thing and Catherine O'Hara was not in Six Feet Under.

But there she is.
Through 4 episodes, S2 of Homeland is not nearly as bad as I had heard.

The whole flat tire with the bomb maker and subsequent homicide was cheesy but other than that, I like.

I think people forget that Claire Danes is acting and they don't like the character she is playing.
Sons of Anarchy was hugh last night, so much chit going on, much less soapy than I remember last season being

Very graphic for a non movie channel show. 8.48 baconbits

Legend AJ is loving it and wants to see next week's episode "so bad he could die". HANG IN THERE LEGEND :bowdown:
I'd rather see a prequel centered around Gus and Mike.

Personally, I see a lot more potential building around Saul but if it's a prequel, it could potentially have a good measure of Gus and Mike too. Wasn't it Gus who turned Walt on to Saul? Gus and Mike could be a big part of Saul's prequel days.

Actually I'm not positive about that.
