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Property Brothers on HGTV

Solid show hosted by Canadian twins

8 Matty-Rain's-GF-Misplaced-The-TV-Remote out of 10

I have seen the show. Great show! The amount of stupidity of some of the home owners is amazing. One of the twins tells this asian couple if we knock off that post which was in the middle of the kitchen then the roof could collapse. Asian couple..but i really don't want it there. Lets move it anyway. Then he tells them your budget is only $10,000 but you want $25,000 worth of upgrades done in the kitchen.
Robin Hood (2010) - I recall this being released and fading away without much fanfare. Some even described it as a flop. Well I finally got around to it and I thought it was very good. Ridley Scott is a topnotch director, Russell Crowe has an excellent batting average in terms of not wasting my time with his movie choices.

The result? Something which, predictably, I really enjoyed.

You could call it Robin Hood Begins. It is the prequel to the legend that is so well known, but a much more gritty plausible framing of things than I have ever seen. It is not cartoonish - thumbs up for that. Unfortunately there is one major eye-roller of a misstep right near the end which drags the whole thing down a notch. Suddenly Marion (Cate Blanchett) comes through with girl power feminism that seems way more 2012 than 1200. There are many directors that would not surprise me by being that baldly condescending, but I did not expect it at all from Ridley Scott in this situation. I was probably sitting there with my mouth hanging open in disbelief for a little bit. Are we really doing this? Wow, I guess we are.

However I still found it to be a well-done project overall and I would definitely watch a sequel if it happens.

7.4 out of 10.
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) - This was okay. Watchable and then forgettable. Like an extended episode of Law and Order perhaps. Okay, it's a bit better than that.

Main conclusions for me:

I don't think Ryan Phillippe is a very good actor. I remember thinking he had a lot of promise once upon a time but it hasn't happened.

Marisa Tomei just doesn't stop looking good. Very talented - that has never changed - but man she looks good for a chick that is basically my age.

For this movie? Gonna say . . . mmmm . . .

There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane (2011) - Most pointless. Documentary. Ever.

I'm sorry; it's a very tragic story and I don't want to just shrug off the victims but there is no reason for this doc. It is an investigation of the case of a woman who drove her minivan the wrong way on an interstate and crashed head-on into another vehicle, causing 8 deaths. Toxicology revealed she was legally drunk and also had a high level of THC in her system.

So they set this up like it was some kind of mystery and I really expected something fascinating to come out of it - otherwise why would anyone make or show this movie? - but SPOILER ALERT - everything is exactly as it appears right from the start. The woman drank a lot of vodka and smoked weed with a van full of kids and ended up causing a deadly accident. The only mystery is what was going on in her head. Was it some kind of delirium or suicidal intentions? Don't know. Can't know.

Here's what this movie has to say:

2) sometimes we can't be sure if certain deaths were suicide

3) sometimes people go into denial about things and just believe what they want to believe

That's about it. Rating: 2 out of 10
Twilight (2008) - Finally got around to this star-crossed tale of ethical vampires and a girl who has apparently had her personality amputated.

What can I say? I liked it a bit more than I thought I would. I watched it through to the end. I never really considered bailing. There is quite a bit of hostility towards it at imdb which I don't really share. I mean, sure, I give it a thumbs down and I won't watch the sequels but I kinda sorta understand the appeal.

I am not mad at it.

Somehow I got a completely erroneous idea that Kristen Stewart was a promising young actress. I actually found quite a bit of unintentional humor in her completely wooden delivery of (what should have been) some rather emotional lines.

Whatever. It was just like an extended episode of some dopey teen TV show. Maybe there will be a TV series some day. My money is on YES. (Hopefully they will learn from Buffy and not take themselves quite so seriously).

Rating: 4.8 out of 10.
About to go watch the latest Resident Evil, in 3D. I love these movies. Mindless action meet softcore porn.

Weird thing is, I went into Twilight more-or-less thinking it would be a chance to finally evaluate the acting chops of this girl who has been getting so much attention. As it turns out on further reflection and investigation, I have already seen in her no less than 5 other movies.

Guess she didn't make a strong impression.