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Homeland is a slightly less stupid version of 24, with more tits and swearing. It has nothing interesting going for it outside of the secrets it slowly reveals episode by episode. This shit's been done so often.

I'm pissed that it won over Mad Men and Breaking Bad. It's not anywhere near the same caliber of writing/directing.

Fok the Jack Bauer crowd.

Fok Homeland.

5.5 Matty Rains
Oh look, she secretly takes an antipsychotic. I bet it won't come back to bite her in the ass.

Oh look, he's praying to Allah. Woah. How can a red-blooded war hero convert to Islam like that? This character is SO deep!

Oh look, tits! This stuff is so not appropriate for kids. Look how firmly he's squeezing that little tittie! You don't see that on cable, you just don't. This is edgy.

I tried it for a bit, couldn't get into it didn't know why, ty for breaking it down

at least 24 had

I was somewhat curious about Homeland but that does not bode well. Also, Claire Danes kinda creeps me out. I know she has talent, and I have an intellectual understanding that she is probably pretty or something but I dunno. She is just a bit much.

The Grey (2011) - Not sure what to say about this. While watching, my general thinking was, "Ehh, not horrible but not much going on here. About a 6."

But then after I watched I went to imdb and discovered some deeply moving and well-worded analyses. It is more (they say) than just what you see on the surface; it is a dark and profound metaphor for our existence and how we are constantly stalked by death. Even knowing this, we fight - but why? That is the question: why? The wolves in the movie are unrealistic on multiple levels - which some see as off-putting - but it's not bad film-making - it is done on purpose. They are the dark metaphor. They are art.

For about a minute and a half, some eloquent guys had me convinced I had seen a movie that will resonate for decades.

But then I thought, "Yeah but you could say the same thing about just about any teen slasher movie. Very similar formula. The Grey is more self-conscious (pretentious?) no doubt, but okay fine. Message received. Stuff'll kill ya."

Watchable anyway.

6 out of 10.

PS - James Badge Dale was in it and I don't like him. It is not just because I am still angry about that series Rubicon, it is also his middle name. Badge.

Badge is not a name.

On second thought, I'm probably a bit harsh on Homeland, mostly because I recognize many elements that were also on 24. Turns out, a bunch of old 24 writers are working on Homeland.

It *is* a much more nuanced, way better acted terrorist thriller than 24.

S'just that shows like The Wire, Breaking Bad and Mad Men have raised the bar so much as far as "smart TV" goes. If I'd watched Homeland in the mid-2000's, around the same time I watched the first season of 24, I would've called it genius.

But as it stands right now, I can't motivate myself to sit through another 10 or so hours of silly terrorist twists and turns.

If you've never watched 24 you're gonna love Homeland.
What the fok are you talking about RR? It's a terrorist thriller that plays on the American pride sentiment. The major is difference is that, where 24 was an unsubtle propaganda piece for the war on terror, Homeland is ambivalent and tries to play it neutral.

In 24, the CTU commander always had a personal issue that jeopardized their job. In Homeland, Claire Danes hides her (schizophrenia ?) from her boss.

The paper-thin side plots are always about family issues.

It's a silly cat and mouse scenario with twists and turns that involve people with Arabic names.

What the fok does it NOT have in common with 24 outside the real-time gimmick?

RR don't get me started. UPS didn't deliver my iPhone and I'm fokken pissed.
24 an action, blow up shit, shoot em up pile of garbage that was like one extremely long run on sentence... i only watched a few episodes of each season...you couldnt tell what year each was...story lines are nothing alike to me... you are being a bit nit picky with the actors similarities and the family thing...can make that case for every show on tv:goodforyou: ... havent seen anyone else really even compare the two and i would have to watch more 24 to really judge ... and that is out of the quesion for me...show was fucking awful

damn i have been meaning to start watching Girls since you said it was good...ill get there

sorry for you not getting your Pawnphone... uh i mean iphone :imsorry:

Okay I am (un)sold. Don't need to see Homeland in any hurry.

Now I would make another comparison (which I'm sure I'm not the first to make): Girls to Sex and the City.

I did watch the whole first season of Girls and I imagine I will at least start the 2nd, but it was becoming grating in that SATC way. There are differences to be sure. It is not a 12 point DNA match. Biggest thing is, the Girls girls don't have the means to be as materialistic.

But the thing that was starting to worry me was the pattern of trying so hard to make every character flawed - for the purposes of realism I guess - but not balancing the flaws with good stuff. It was ending up with every character unlikable and increasingly annoying - which was my SATC experience in a nutshell.

But we'll see how it goes.