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Watched the Bourne Something (latest non-Daemon one) last night. Was really enjoyable. Sure the dialogue was hackney and the plot swiss-cheesy. But i'll tell you what, I was at the edge of my seat for some of that action, particularly the last chase.

Looking forward to vegging out for the next installment.
Wire is due again for me.

Muddy..rewatched entire Six Feet Under recently. Excellent fucking TV.

Reno...funny you say They Live. Watched first time this week. Ugh...painful. A couple good moments. Didn't realize that is where the famous line of "I came here to chew gum and kick ass...and I'm all out of gum" came from.

American History X did not hold up.

Disco Godfather. Holy fuck. The last 20 minutes was pretty much the tale of my life for two weeks a year ago.

Rewatch Burn After Reading...just a spectacular bit of writing/acting/comedy.

This Is The End...OMG I loved it. Just up my alley style of humor.

I've come to realize that many more souls...human, animal and whatnot, have died than are currently living. We are all a huge minority.

The Magnificent Seven...was hoping for much much more.

Point Break...Top 100 non-intentional cheesy movies...but not top 50. Keanu is amazing. He really is. And any scene with Swayze (RIP) crying is special.

Yes, Pucky, I'm on season 5 of Trailer Park Boys and I love it. My favorite character is Randy by far.

Poltergeist 1, 2 and 3.....Part one was the scariest thing i saw as a kid. I knew if I re watched it ruin that good memory. And it did. Parts 2 and 3 ....well...that was just a challenge. And I lost.

Silver Linings Playbook...Kinda OK, kinda boring.

Rewatch True Romance. An alltime favorite. This muthafucka think he Charlie Bronson. WHEEEEE!!! :lol:

Killer Joe...I loved loved loved it. So much.

Total Recall..new one. I didn't get it. But Kate Beckinsale is a fucking hottie. She is probably top on my list of Hot Celebrities Who I Never Seem to Mention.

Rewatch Loaded Weapon. Man I love me some dopey slapstick.

Hi Mr X.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels...Rewatch for the billionth time. What a great film. When Steve Martin is in his wheelhouse he's just hard to beat. OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA!

Beyond the Law...Charlie Sheen is perhaps the unscariest biker in the world. But he believes it so I respect that.

Ticker....Steven Segal...Tom Sizemore...Dennis Hopper with the WORST Irish reappearing Irish accent ever. An amazingly great bad film. Watch it.

Mr Monkey you old scoundrel. I'm watching you.

Godfather I, II, III....all rewatches....I'm gonna say it...I just don't get the hype. I know Part III is considered horrible. And it was. But parts one and two are widely regarded as top movies of all time. I just don't get that. Good movies? Of course. Better than Police Academy 7 Mission To Moscow? Absolutely not!

Romea + Juliet...the one with Leo and Claire. Well fuck man I try so hard but I just don't get Shakespeare. I know that probably categorizes me as a drooling Neanderthal...but there it is. Even hip portrayals like this bypass me. Soooo...they had less than 3 brief encounters but is considered one of the most beautiful love tragedies of all time? Fuckkk. No way man. And fucking speak normal. I'm Bermudian. Not dost thou-intian.

Childrens Hospital...delivers no matter how many times you rewatch. Fast quick wit. And some excellent eye candy. Who the hell is Malin Akerman? Yum yum.


When people used to ask me what type of girl I liked I would answer anything but blonde. Now that I'm dating a blonde I find myself attracted to blondes. It's fucking bonkers. I also used to answer anything but white. My blonde also happens to be the whitest viking type Scandinavian ever. My how the mighty have fallen. But I sure do enjoy pussy. And cock. And aluminum shards.

Louie...Late to the game on this one. Excellent style of comedy. Genius and brave.

Anything by David Attenborough...Life Of Birds...Mammals..etc. Man this stuff fucks me up more than any quantity of drugs I ingest. It's amazing on levels of inexplicability. I learn so much about humans when watching these. We are more polished be we are here for the same purposes. Eat. Fuck. Dominate. It's overwhelming and makes me furrow my brow often.

SNL 2010. Kristen Wiig and Bill Heder are geniuses. Or at least really really funny.

I live on a nice street, but right down the block is the real hood. The good good type. I sure wanted George Zimmerman to go to jail for fear of my safety. Luckily the riots never happened. But man they don't like me riding my bike through their streets. I hate George Zimmerman more than I hate black people. And considering that I am mostly black (Island) that's saying quite a bit.

Mad Men. Into Season 2. Good stuff. You have to amp down to get into it. It's not Breaking Bad obviously. But it is an excellent show. And fuck me if I don't get a woody everytime Joanie enters or leaves a room. Yummy yummy.


American Horror Story season 1. Just finished up. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk meeeeeee. Definitely the scariest show I've ever scene. It never lets up. Writing is unrivaled. Jessica Lange is WTF WOW! I hear season 2 isn't as good, but still decent. I'm glad I finally saw the first part. Just holy shit levels of awesomeness. Daft send me a shirtless pic asap.

Miami Connection....not one of my favorite terribles. But still pretty fucking crappy gold.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back..rewatch....It's OK.

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American History X. Yeah. Some people were goofy about that.

It's not fresh in my mind but thinking back on what happened there, it fell far below its aspirations. I remember some stupid stuff in there.

Wasn't Jennifer Lien, who was Kes from Star Trek Voyager, in that? Man could she ever not act. If you're trying to get your Star Trek on, you can't go expecting the absolute best acting, but she was something else.
For all the terrible stuff that happens in the Wire, the thing I found most difficult to watch so far (through 4 seasons) was the arc with Randy, the kid who gets unfairly stigmatized as a snitcher. I just fucking hate that.

I knew it was coming and I dreaded it and I just saw the culmination and it made me feel so bad like I knew it would.

Brilliant writing and performances but :fok: