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The actor playing the medical examiner at the start of season 2 of The Wire was the bad guy in the series Homicide. Kinda the Avon Barksdale equivalent. I am determined to remember the character's name without looking it up.


Luther something . . . ???

I want to rewatch Homicide now. While The Wire is clearly superior, there are so many bits that are reminiscent. While it is debatable that The Wire is the greatest drama in the history of TV - at this point I am putting The Sopranos a hair above - I see no debate that Homicide is the best drama in the history of Network TV.
Mahoney. Luther Mahoney.

Racking my brain all day yesterday. All I had to do was type something about it at gamelive and there it is

Is Denzel's new movie, 2 Guns, a comedy? That's what it looks like. That's what is says on Wikipedia. Action comedy.

Does Denzel do comedy? I'm trying to remember Denzel ever doing comedy and nothing is coming to me. I don't think of Denzel as funny. I think of him as a drama only guy - like Deniro - except unlike Deniro he has the good taste to not keep flailing away at comedy.

Drama guy. Even in interviews, not particularly funny. Seems like an okay guy - and he certainly wears a smile a lot - but it is like a practiced smile. Not a lot of knee-slappers springing forth from that smile.

Maybe I am way off base. Has he ever done comedy? Is Denzel funny?
Oh geez I dunno. Bunk for sure. I can strongly relate to Freamon. I would like to boink Ronnie. I would really like to boink Callie Thorne (McNulty's ex).

But I digress. I remember liking Clark Johnson's character but he hasn't come up yet this time through, so it's not fresh in my mind and I may be blending him with his legendary character from Homicide. Good old McNutty. I guess Omar although he is probably the least realistic character to me. He seems more like a comic book character stuck in the middle of all that stark reality. But he can turn a phrase.
My general impression of Johnny Carson was that I didn't much like him but I never watched him that much and he was not fresh in my mind, so when I noticed TMN was running some "classic interviews" from The Tonight Show last month, I decided to take a look and revisit that whole subject.

So one night I taped a block of interviews. They were Henry Fonda, Elizabeth Taylor, Susan Sarandon, William Holden and Goldie Hawn. I think they were all from the 70's. Susan Sarandon was from her ingenue days, pre-Rocky Horror. Very charming. Anyway, an interesting bunch of subjects all-in-all (for old people anyway).

Bottom line: I was right. Johnny Carson was not very good. He was, I would say, a poor interviewer. Not that he asked bad questions but he was the classic over-explainer of his questions who would take what should be a 6 word question and turn it into a novella.

And he was not very funny. He did a lot of mugging and he was very obvious.

So that's what I have to say about that.