Hooligans Sportsbook

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Read the book. Saw the Robert Redford Gatsby.

None of it blows me away but it is okay and it has been awhile. If it was anyone besides Baz Luhrmann, there is a decent chance I would get around to watching a new version at some point.

But no.
Cast Away (2000) - Finally got around to looking at this for a second time. In my memory it was respectable but unspectacular, but upon further review I do find it a bit spectacular.

Really really enjoyed it. Top notch.

8 out of 10.

Anyone catch Ralph Macchio on How I Met Your Mother?

Thought he had a strangely beat-up face for a guy in his early forties.

Turns out he's 51. Ralph Macchio is 51 years old. The Karate Kid is older than Mud-fokken-cat.
