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More thoughts on jobs and working

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oh, and would like to see a vid of Muddy telling people "what the fuck's wrong with you?"

It looks a lot like this

Harmony is off to Mexico for 2.5 weeks to get married and whatnot, leaving me in charge of the repairs/warranty area. It is an insanely complicated, cockamamie area. I am not close to knowing everything to do about what goes on there.

But fuck it, just gotta dive in and make shit happen.

Message to self: go get 'em tiger.
A buddy of mine at work just announced he's leaving. We all knew he was interviewing but he has before so I guess this is more of a reality check.

I'm really happy for him, but there is always an awkward feeling here when someone leaves. See, we are technically temps though we've been here for 2+ years. There's a perception in the industry that the traditional practice of law is what we're supposed to do, that its a "real job." When someone leaves I think we all feel a little like under achievers with a little jealousy... despite that fact that not one of us has made any efforts to mitigate that. I guess we're all kinda happy with the status quo.
There is a fat girl who started working here for a maternity leave. She has only been here maybe 3 weeks and already there must have been 10 occasions where I have come through a door or around a corner to find her eating something. Chips, pastries, brownies. There are often snacks around here. Seems to be the nature of the place.

It really is striking though. I come through a door and BOOM! - there she is again, stuffing her face. You would think the odds of something like that happening would be low but her batting average is quite robust. .286 I would estimate. 2 out of every 7 times I go around a corner, she is feeding herself. Like not just standing with food in hand but actually putting it in her mouth at that moment.

Which is fine. Perhaps she has made a conscious decision that she just loves to eat junk food so much that she is willing to accept the consequences ---> fatness. Okay with me. No skin off my nutsack.

I just hope I never hear anything from her about how unfair the world is where some girls are skinny and she has to be fat.

The latest on this girl: today she brought in a big tray of cookies and muffins. They are maple, bacon, chocolate chip.

I would estimate she brought in 50. This is an office which I believe, if all the sales staff are in house, has 18 people.

There is another fat woman who is considered the office queen of snax - she brings in fattening stuff a couple times a week - I don't know if this will initiate some kind of fatness turf war.

Lotta fat people here though. Not enough hotness. Too much fatness.

Anyway I did try one of the maple, bacon, chocolate chip cookies. I took the smallest one I could see.

It did not work for me. Bacon in there. To each his own but I say no to the mixing of those tastes/textures.