Oh. I haven't actually dealt with him since I was talking about it before. He usually shows up in the morning when I am in the other department.
Everyone agrees with me in principle - I even got a few, "Good for you's."
But I saw my boss's reply to the email and he totally avoided the point. He kinda focused on the idea that the guy hadn't clearly asked me for help, instead of getting to the heart of the matter - that I feel they don't need help and refused. Ideally my boss should also have said no one is going to help any more and it has been a mistake that we have helped in the past and it is going to stop.
My boss is a real nice guy and a hard worker but does not have the personality to be a boss. Avoids confrontation at all cost. Like he has joined me in cutting down the guy's position and making sarcastic jokes about him - but I don't know if that has translated to actually stopping with the "help."
So I'm not sure what people have been doing when that driver shows up. I guess I should ask.
But unless someone gives me a direct order otherwise, next time I am unloading him - it's bound to happen eventually - I will just approach him directly and say, "I saw the email from your company and unless you can give me some good reason you need extra help, my answer is no, not a chance. I want to be crystal clear here: never."
Maybe he actually does have a good reason. It would surprise the hell out of me but maybe. I'm not a guy to get in screaming matches or whatever. If there is something reasonable going on, fine. I thought at first maybe his helper was retarded or something. That would be a fair enough argument.
But he's not.
So I guess this is still a work-in-progress . . .