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More thoughts on jobs and working

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Reality check week for me. With Harmony away, I began to sink. It is exactly what I predicted would happen but after a few easy days, I semi-let myself believe I would actually keep up for a couple weeks. But no, not a chance. Too much fucked up stuff.

I knew it, but I didn't know it, but I knew it.

So I was thinking I might go work 4-5 hours tomorrow, but nobody works Saturdays at my place, like, ever. So I can't work even if I want to.

Not the most tragic circumstance of all time to be honest.

So I'll have another week of sinking - hopefully in a slow controlled way - and then Harmony will return and we will gradually get caught up.

And that's how that works.
The internet was down at work for most of yesterday. Amazing how much everything bogs down.

Completely dependent on the internet, my work.

It was a bit absurd. I am ridiculously behind and sinking in Harmony's absence and it's like, okay, I'll just put my head down and do everything I fucking can for these remaining days ---> can barely do anything. Dropped almost another full day behind.

It was not fixed when I left yesterday. I hope that shit is working today.
Internet was back up today. From the sound of things, the problem was more about the city than my company. Some cable got severed or something?

Hell I don't know.

Crazy how dependent we are. Like I consider myself an innovative person but I couldn't think of much to do at all besides basic busywork like cleaning my desk 'n shit. There was no way to push ahead with the backlog of shit.

Also, telephones are barely a part of our business. You never hear phones ring here. As far as I know, we don't have an inter-office intercom which, in every other place I ever worked, would be used to tell someone who has wandered away from their desk that they have a call. William Shmo line 1 please. William Shmo line 1. Doesn't happen here.

I've had like 3 phone calls in the 10 days Harmony has been away.
in every other place I ever worked, would be used to tell someone who has wandered away from their desk that they have a call. William Shmo line 1 please. William Shmo line 1. Doesn't happen here.

Talk about coincidence!

I too worked with a dude named William Shmo. I wonder if it was the same guy?
Dumb question, it had to be the same guy, how many fukkin Shmo's are there?

We called him Billy.
One thing that needs to be said about my co-workers, specifically my male co-workers: we are a gentle bunch.

A saying that I have heard my whole life - as a statement of one's mental state of peace and non-violence - namely, that such-and-such wouldn't hurt a fly - gets played out every day where I work.

We have these funny little flies in our men's room. I don't know what kind of flies. I don't recall ever seeing them anywhere else in my life. Weird. I've seen tons of flies in my time but these particular flies seem to be indigenous only to the men's room where I work.

And they are slow, clumsy sorta flies. Unlike a house fly which is quick and a challenge to swat with your bare hand even if you are trying your hardest, these flies you can go ahead and touch with your finger and all they will do is kinda inch away on foot.

I frequently will see one on the mirror right where your face is if you are washing your hands - or right at face level in front of the urinal - so you know that everyone that goes in there is seeing it. You can't miss it. But I'll come back like 5 hours later and it will still be in the same spot undisturbed.

It happens time after time.

Gentle men where I work.