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Let's talk about wildlife

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Yup. A lot of families get a govt subsidy, but apparently we make too much money to qualify.

Can't afford a 2br house in this town, or a 2nd child, but we're deemed too rich for affordable daycare.

$106/day is ludicrous. Have you investigated nanny-share or au pere? Getting that 3 bed-room place might be worth while if the third bed is an investment for child-care.

Also, I'm so sick of hearing about woman with extensive educations becoming stay at home moms. What a fvcking waste. I was really surprised to see my sister who just had a kid return to work. Impressed even.
I saw a cardinal a couple days ago in the trees beside Jenny's parking. Purdy.

They also have rather tame raccoons. I drove up one time and at a quick glance I thought I was seeing a guy walking a dog but it actually ended up being a guy that a tame raccoon had walked right up to and was just standing there beside him.