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Let's talk about wildlife

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Just saw that. Sentence seems reasonable.

Been reading comments all over the media and people are split about 75/25 in defense of the "poor girl". Everyone's knee-jerk reaction fails to take into account the fact that the 30 in QC is a narrow "highway" with no shoulder to speak of - there is a concrete divider just two feet out. Makes her stopping in the left lane even less reasonable.


She's appealing the 10yr driving ban.

Fok her. Move to the city and get a bus pass you dolt.
Seems very likely that the motorcyclist was distracted, but it only takes a very short distraction to end up rear-ending a stopped car.

Plus, swerving and emergency-braking on a motorcycle are not nearly as easy as doing the same thing in a car.

Sad story all around.

She's still the biggest idiot.
Yes, probably. I don't know the details. Could be that a car was in front of the motorcycle and swerved around the parked car, leaving the motorcycle little time to realize what was happening.

Could be that the motorcycle wasn't paying enough attention. The other motorcyclist that was following behind was able to stop.
In Europe, they tend not to put up roadwork signs - they just line up orange cones diagonally to force people in the other lane. People hit these cones all the time. I saw two people do it while I was driving around Germany, and I nearly hit a row of cones myself in Poland. Mind you I was going a wee bit fast.

Anything unexpected is not good when you're going 65+.