Let's talk about wildlife

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A lot of rampaging elephants in Thailand apparently.

That is all.
holy fuk a hippo after a boat

I have often heard how hippos are one of the most dangerous species in Africa - and I think, 'Oh come on. Lookit them. They're all cute and roly poly,' - but maybe there is something to the claim.
I believe they are vegetarians too, hippos. Don't know what a hippo wants with a boat full of people.

Just an angry individual I guess. Dude just going through life with a bad disposition.

Hippos need to get on the internet.
hippo looking pretty dang determined, right thurr
that is pretty impressive vid :clapper:
How can they possibly go that fast through the water with that body design and no flippers?
Same way I swim 9 miles when I occasionally get dumped that far from shore ---> sheer determination.
How can they possibly go that fast through the water with that body design and no flippers?

maybe they propel with poopy air :dunno:
human car = elephant toy

Video is gone. Was looking for my angry internet hippo fix - but no.
Still plays for me.
huge shark circling little boat

Always with the boats in peril, you.
Shark is trying to take them down!