I stopped reading at this post so if someone else says what I am about too then it neded repeating anyhow.
Unless you and your roommate share some cosmic connection by which you can intercept what the other’s sub-conscious mind is thinking her actions when she returned to the apartment where those of a jealous woman.
Now before you go and defend her and say that she didn’t act all jealous or bitchy let me explain the difference.
There is the spoiled brat jealousy, where they act all bitchy and show their ass and then there is the casual jealousy where they are aware of what they are doing and can to a point control the situation.
Your roommate was casually jealous. Had you proceeded with your date and banged the chunky chick you would have seen the roommate act completely different the next day. She would have been effectively hurt and not wanted to talk or maybe even be around you.
Your roommate wants you Matty. She is obviously fearful because of how you are perceived (aloof, awkward, shy, distant, asshole’ish, reserved, superior) that you will not like her in the same way. You being totally closeted emotionally won’t recognize that she likes you and therefore will never make the move to make it happen and ultimately that is a mistake.
Matty, your roommate may have very well been drunk but she knew what she was doing. She was cockblocking cause she wants the cock for herself. Matty stop being a dolt and give the roomy what she wants.