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Workout Thread

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Been on a very good streak, maybe 3 weeks. At least 3 times a week just 30-45min (push, legs/abs, pull) with a rest between 2 and 3 and between 3 and 1. Typically getting in 4 or even 5 a week.

Eating a cal surplus and seeing strength gains... prob eating too much surplus and seeing a gut gain too. Just happy to be back in the game.
Gamelive DOIN WORK :highfive:

We’ve been doin work. Some days I do a 10 mile mountain bike ride @ 7:00 AM and then resistance training at 6PM. Other days I just do one workout. I usually rest on Saturdays. I’m on day 10 of a 35 day dry out in preparation for Vegas trip at the end of the month.

I’m 188 pounds (6’-0”) at 46 years old. I was 183 when I was 28 and at my peak physical condition so I’m pretty happy with where I’m at.


You guys are SO much further along than me in every facet. For me, it's a total 180 lifestyle wise. Activity, food, mentality, everything. - and it's actually inspirational to even be in the loop with confirmed winners like yourselves. I am deeply thankful for that - it's very encouraging and uplifting.

Workouts will continue. We go from yes, fatass decent (not good or great by any means) drunk ass poker player (though I have no problem with poker players whatsoever, I respect it and will still do it here and there for the challenge as a hobby, not for an income) to something else that I am going to announce when everything is confirmed, which point I cannot wait to share with you guys - BUT I will wait until it's a confirmed long term win for that - because I am NOT wasting your time with another failure.

Poker was bad for me - not because of other players and certainly not the house - because of me. Sit on my ass binging on casino food and wondering why I can't get laid. Hmmm - real thinker there - not. Instead now it's mostly only healthy food - chicken breast, veggie sides, etc. Today was tilapia with veggies. Cool. Unsweetened for energy. Sure good enough to win for a few months, but with a head so lost in bullshit that long term I was always eventually just another sucker.

Alcohol - yup I'm lucky to even be here, and it's true. Blackouts, hospitals, getting blacked out drunk and lost in areas you would not want to even begin to know about. Thanks for that lyft back then dude - you might have saved my life, to be honest, I do remeber that shit and I'm gonna holler back at you all. Collapsing on the street. House sitting for an incredible friend, passing out in the doorway with the door open. Asshole, dickhead. It's not completely kicked yet. Still on a few beers nightly to shake withdrawal, that'll fade and then I'll only drink socially if at all. It's been to self medicate massive anxiety. Scheduled appointment with doctor for that is upcoming, and that'll take care of that soon enough. Hopefully I haven't driven my BP up too high with all the stupid crap. Hopefully no other bad news.

Mentality - If you don't like something look away. If you don't like someone, don't talk to them. Arguments are stupid unless there is an intellectual element to them.

So, it's early for Maxi on the right path. Let's keep it on that path and see where it goes.
Been staying at me optimum 195-200 weight now for 8 months. Had a blip for a month where I was 210, but still have stayed away from my high of 264.

Working 8 shifts a week has made morning workouts impossible. Started late night gym visits and actually find them enjoyable.

Between a couple of supplements, and my 3 lifting days, 3 cardio days a week I can honestly say I’ve never looked better.

I’m learning that overtraining is actually a thing and I think at 44, I have no real need to be in the gym more than 5 hours a week.
Very nice fellas.

Let's keep it up.

One other thing I'll put out there - I don't believe in revenge at all. I've felt really introspective lately and it's gotten me back to my Roman Catholic roots. Revenge is a sin. Sure when I was down and out I got kicked and pushed around by some people, it's the way the world is and it does suck. Speaking of the alcoholism when I was speaking about an ex fiancee it was definitely not Cami. That other one did something really bad BUT I no longer care or would ever want to think about her. Cami is actually pretty damn cool and I do hope she's well. I lost her, another good one to the bottle and being a dick, as well. Do me a favor and don't talk about her crew - not that I'd ever think you would. Rogie if you get the time feel free to erase anything bad I ever said about her. If you don't I understand, I was just so lost man.

Another ex I lost to the bottle just had a baby with an awesome dude, and the entire thing is completely beautiful. And so did another one, actually.

So I'm here to say - if you're going to be a dysfunctional alky dickhead, things won't work out and you'll watch the world move on without you. I am just glad I have seen the light is all I can say and I live to help and protect people, to the fullest.

But then again you guys already knew that.

Let's keep things moving forward gents.

Day off from working out here. Sucks because kinda need it for the stress - more than kinda - but body sore as fok. What's cool though is when I used to start working out it would be every other day for a few weeks, then two days/one day rest, then accelerate schedule, etc. - but we did manage to get to 2 days on to one day off pretty quickly.

Catch you tonight, crew.
Just started up CrossFit again this week. Haven’t been in about 3 months was having issues with my cornea and getting blurry vision which caused me to get dizzy while working out. I missed it more for the mental aspects of working out than the benefits to my body
Not to drag this out if the mud but I feel strongly that if you are changing up your cardio routine (doing stairclimber sometimes, running sometimes, biking, vinyasa flow yoga) you can do cardio more than 20 min 3x’s a week.

Overtraining is a thing but it’s not as black and white as Casper is making it out to be. Doing proper types and amounts of cardio aids in creating a caloric deficit.
Not to drag this out if the mud but I feel strongly that if you are changing up your cardio routine (doing stairclimber sometimes, running sometimes, biking, vinyasa flow yoga) you can do cardio more than 20 min 3x’s a week.

Overtraining is a thing but it’s not as black and white as Casper is making it out to be. Doing proper types and amounts of cardio aids in creating a caloric deficit.
You’re right Tron, the caloric benefits are definitely there. I’m just going by what gas worked for me. You can definitely do more than I am.