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White people rioting over stupid shit

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You're question is irrelevant and you know that. You simply aiming to demean and disrespect. "Oh look at these blacks burn down their own city Ha ha". I've heard a lot of that this week. Of course it's not ideal to burn down the few businesses/ cars that are not responsible. These guys are not well organized obviously. Just a show of anger, create at least the appearance of some consequence.
I don't think it's irrelevant to ask why a town that is angry with their police force is burning down small businesses in their own town, mostly black owned businesses. Has less to do with organizing and more to do with understanding. If they are mad at the cops then why not try to burn down the police station? The answer is they can't, they'd rather destroy some small locally owned business that can't defend themselves.

The fact that you agree with Al Sharpton on anything pretty much tells me all I need to know. He has never improved race relations anywhere, which is where we want to get to.
For the record, I believe that if you take even one menacing step towards a cop, you're fair game. That Brown guy was a fucking 'tard who deserved what he got.

I loathe racists all the same.

But I'm not American so I'm not qualified to comment on racism.

You guys have to press 1 for English. Unbelievable.

Where's plommer when you need him.

It would be nice to hear your view. Canada has race issues also, no? I think Canadians act a little more civilized on these issues.

Reno, please never admit you watch Al Sharpton. Guy causes far more race issues than solves. Also remember there is no white in Jesse Jackson's rainbow also.
You're question is irrelevant and you know that. You simply aiming to demean and disrespect. "Oh look at these blacks burn down their own city Ha ha". I've heard a lot of that this week. Of course it's not ideal to burn down the few businesses/ cars that are not responsible. These guys are not well organized obviously. Just a show of anger, create at least the appearance of some consequence.

This happened in a town 15 miles from me. I can tell you the consequences - no one will visit the town anymore, no one will invest in it anymore. Easy to blame whitey though. All about street cred, at the expense of a burned-out town to protect a drug dealer who was killed avoiding the police. Just another model citizen that the cops took away.

You can explain the video from Cleveland that I posted also, tell me where the cops messed up.
It would be nice to hear your view. Canada has race issues also, no? I think Canadians act a little more civilized on these issues.

Racism is everywhere, not sure it has a nationality.

Toronto has a small pocket of poor blacks, but they don't seem to fare any worse than the other minorities.

You could argue that French Canadians are the niggaz of Canada, but it's not comparable in any way, the French were never mistreated on the same scale, they were just a lower caste. That class gap is still there somewhat, but the lines are more blurred.

Just had brunch with a Jamaican (2nd generation Canadian), Syrian (also 2nd gen) and two Egyptians (1st gen). Middle-class downtown Toronto is one big family. The ethnocentric mongoloids a la housepicks live in deep suburbia.
These Latinos have come in and taken over the lawn maintenance, drywall, cement, half the carpenters trade and numbers are increasing in flooring and painting.Union scale 45$ an hour. How have they done this?

A strong work ethic. They as a group have been recognized as such by their own merits.
Before I got into the union I was a regular HVAC guy. Sears fed us a lot of work...mostly in the ghetto where not many reputable companies were based. The people who have some of the biggest problems with the black youth are the black elderly. They have endured many stones thrown to put black youth in a better starting point than them. I have had countless conversations with them...mostly just listening. They will sit by the window and watch your truck all day. Each time in the house they will ask if I locked the doors because "these knucklehead kids" around here will get your truck." They complain how they couldn't go to school and the kids nowadays don't want to. Hanging out in alleys rather then studying their books.
You don't know me asshole. Black family moved in next door last year. First on the block. Kid got no dad and mom is in jail. He is friends with my boy. I take him bowling...i took him to the demo derby. I payed for all his food at the town carnival. He comes over straight from school on weds cuz his aunt works late and i don't want him sitting in daycare. You don't know me....go fuck yourself...he told my boy I am the closed thing he has to a dad. But that don't mean my head is in the sand to 400$ shoe wearing faggot

Laid off from the union..worked at a ceda weatherization outfit...what's that mean...they help "underprivileged " people by fixing up their house...some workers hired com the neighborhoods..I got paired with a black kid....early 20's...had a kid when he was 13 but hey...guess that happens...smart kid..hard worker...went out of my way to teach this kid. Gave him a ride home everyday(35 min round trip)
Because he had to wait for the bus and he already was up 90 minutes before me in the am to catch the bus for work. Sometimes after a 12 hour day I just wanted to say goodbye. Sometimes i missed some of my kids games so his guy didn't have a 16 hour day..I also loaned him 1000 dollars and took him car shopping to a few places after A few months. I negotiated the deal. Did I have to do any of this...no I didn't .

So why don't you come over here and suck my dick.