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White people rioting over stupid shit

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Here is what it boils down to.

Exceptions to the rule....absolutely.

But to sum it up.


Bushels of apples.

No pie maker is going to buy the Black people bushels of apples.

He'd have more bad apples per bushel then with any other race.

It can't get any plainer.
Asian are smarter then whites...I accept that.

Mexicans are harder workers then whites...Gods honest truth.

Blacks can dancer better, run faster, jump higher and have bigger dicks then white kids as they come out of the womb...I know some nurses...I ain't happy about it but it ain't no lie.

Blacks are the laziest group of people here in America.

No lies in this post.
Black man shoots and kills a white police officer (happens roughly 40 times per year) ----------> never becomes a race issue (nor should it).

White police officer shoots and kills a black man --------------> becomes a race issue every time.

That's not something I read on Facebook or Twitter. It's just the truth.

This never should have been about race. Ever.

It was a judgement call. Michael Brown almost indisputably used poor judgement and the cop likely used poor judgement (by either not carrying or deciding not to use a less lethal weapon) such as a taser/baton/defensive tactics.

So many of these people "protesting" this homicide are so uninformed and ridiculous.

Choosing to cite some instances yet ignore others.

Terrible week to be an American.
So what about the cops who pull right up to a black kid playing with a toy gun and shoot him within two seconds in Cleveland? Then concoct a story that is easily disproved with video tape. Standard procedure or conspiracy tron?

You think the people in Ferguson have no reason to mistrust the process? Ha!

Do you think they pull up to rich white neighborhood and shoot kid no waiting? Ha!

And if it wasn't for video i'm sure the cops would have a very plausible air tight story too.
Black man shoots and kills a white police officer (happens roughly 40 times per year) ----------> never becomes a race issue (nor should it).

White police officer shoots and kills a black man --------------> becomes a race issue every time.

That's not something I read on Facebook or Twitter. It's just the truth.

This never should have been about race. Ever.

It was a judgement call. Michael Brown almost indisputably used poor judgement and the cop likely used poor judgement (by either not carrying or deciding not to use a less lethal weapon) such as a taser/baton/defensive tactics.

So many of these people "protesting" this homicide are so uninformed and ridiculous.

Choosing to cite some instances yet ignore others.

Terrible week to be an American.

So what about the cops who pull right up to a black kid playing with a toy gun and shoot him within two seconds in Cleveland? Then concoct a story that is easily disproved with video tape. Standard procedure or conspiracy tron?

You think the people in Ferguson have no reason to mistrust the process? Ha!

Do you think they pull up to rich white neighborhood and shoot kid no waiting? Ha!

And if it wasn't for video i'm sure the cops would have a very plausible air tight story too.


Watch the video, kid was acting like a wannabe gangsta. Tragic that he was killed, but why is the kid acting like that? It was the dispatcher who didn't pass along all of the facts. People in the hood can bitch that they don't get a fair shake, but you threaten a cop, you will lose every time. Maybe they should ban toys like that (the safety clip was off that showed it was a toy). maybe the kids need better role models.
Now that we got ourselves a half black president race relations sure have come a long way, haven't they?

Reno what exactly does burning your own city down do to improve the "system" I'm just curious what you think.

I think we can all agree what happened in Ferguson was not the ideal scenario. What we have to move beyond is 100% blaming someone we have no idea about because of their race. The people looting in Ferguson were not there. You were not there. I was not there. We do not 100% know what happened. Based on all the facts from eye-witness testimony (a lot of black eye-witness testimony by the way) it appears he was attacked in his own cop car. It doesn't make him deserving of death as Tron pointed out, but I must tell you if I robbed a store, then assaulted a cop inside his own vehicle, I'd expect to get shot. So it wasn't about an air tight story, it was about their story matching the eye-witness testimony, which it did. The 2 separate incidents you are comparing aren't even remotely close. Also I see where you purposely avoided the incident in Utah as it doesn't back up your ideology. Nice work.

See here's the thing, I've had incidents with the cops in my past, and every one of them was because I was acting like a dumb ass. I stopped acting like a dumb ass, and guess what, magically I have not had an incident with a law enforcement officer since. Brilliant. Stop committing crimes people of the black community, you'll have far less incidents. Amazing how that works.
For the record, I believe that if you take even one menacing step towards a cop, you're fair game. That Brown guy was a fucking 'tard who deserved what he got.

I loathe racists all the same.

But I'm not American so I'm not qualified to comment on racism.

You guys have to press 1 for English. Unbelievable.

Where's plommer when you need him.
Again, you all are skipping over the important points and jumping to the comfortable role of cop/system apologists and blaming the victim. Why? It confirms that Sharptons etc are absolutely right.

Nobody's saying the victim's were acting properly. But it sure feels that the system of cops/prosecutors/judges is set up to protect itself (common cronyism) not check and balance. And of course when there's no consequences the cowardly cops feel ok to shoot 1st. The people are justly angry and demanding a stop to it.

I find all the support for this shitass Wilson revolting. At best he's a coward. More than likely shares the attitude I hear everywhere recently from white ignoramuses who think Obama took their job through affirmative action or something.

Pretty disgusting where we're at.