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the truth about casper waits and caligirl - Casper, go to hell.

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i let him slide for me to not post again. it was mostly in jest but he hasnt been heard from since.

he still owes them as far as i know.

Yeah he still owes us.

Since 21/1, it's been radio silence from him at least for me. But I did get to hear how his blog went to poo, something about having to buy Best Buy gift cards, etc.

And I only bet him $500. You can't pay $500 in 6 months???? About 20mins after I posted here I had someone at SBR tell me I was an ass for not betting him like 2k because it was a sure thing. Sure thing maybe but I could've bet $10 and still not gotten paid. :lmao:
Yeah he still owes us.

Since 21/1, it's been radio silence from him at least for me. But I did get to hear how his blog went to poo, something about having to buy Best Buy gift cards, etc.

And I only bet him $500. You can't pay $500 in 6 months???? About 20mins after I posted here I had someone at SBR tell me I was an ass for not betting him like 2k because it was a sure thing. Sure thing maybe but I could've bet $10 and still not gotten paid. :lmao:


I can't believe people make bets on this forum and don't honor them. This is so wrong!

he would have gotten paid if he won, even though i knew he wasn't paying.

it was more like a donation --- hypothetical of course given the extremely long odds that he would win. what kind of dipshit bets me they can hit over 60% at even money when i am perfectly willing to make the same bet at 52%.
Thanks for the cliffs notes fellas...

My thoughts.......

CaliGirlNJ is a very cool name

Women HATE needy guys. Let me say that again, WOMEN HATE NEEDY GUYS. If they even get a whiff that you're acting needy, you're dead in the water. Lose that quality fast Casper and it will be the most +EV move you ever make in reference to women.

Women are very fickle. They can be all into your shit one day and next thing you know it goes from "Hey you" to "Hey there" (I'm not necessarily saying that is the case here but I'm just putting it out there).
That's why I have no remorse for the hearts I've broken.

Fukkin TRON/DAFT knew!!

What ever happened to him? Why isn't he posting at gamelive?
What ever happened to him? Why isn't he posting at gamelive?

Q1) :dunno: Q2) He was really down I believe from very limited sports discussion here at GL! Same reason Saulty probably doesn't post here as much of late! What I do know hasn't bet bases in over a month and was on a horrific losing streak! Luv to have back here but possible now if logs in to post ...... seeing this might make him logout pronto! :grin:

MrMonkey (87-89-6) (+5.45)
Tron (171-172-34) (+4.18)
The strangest part of this thread is the space between Casper and waits in the title.

How could Cali fuck up that badly? I wouldn't think a chick who is a quick enough thinker to stuff coke into a dido would fuck up this badly. Then again she was spotted puking out of a cab so it could have just been a drunk thing.

I remember when graphic design girl freaked out on me because you posted on here about giving me a rough hand job. I actually got a laugh out of a very intelligent hard to make laugh friend telling that story the other day and I thank you for that.

I wish you wouldn't let the negativity affect you and you wouldn't be a stranger. Just block him as have I and enjoy the company of the rest of us. All I ask. I'll likely be bringing coolios I meet here to have fun and hang out and I'll just warn them about him in advance. The time he took to set up that burner email account and and send that harassing email to camis work account is the story that will be told, so bad but I get that it was a reaction to me never having really able been able to accept him from a Darwinism standpoint. Sorry, when you get a charge out of negatively affecting others many feel sorry for you but I don't. It's a choice and the world is better off without you. To expand on this concept the other day I was running late for a very important appointment and walking there, completely lost. This very attractive lawyer literally walks me 10 blocks there, and it was out of her way. Really helped me out and now I can't wait to pay that forward to someone else. There's people like that out there and negativity energy people are fundamentally selfish and on my opinion fundamentally evil when deciding to screw with people because they are miserable, and I won't allow him to drive off cool posters such as yourself any longer. Anyway if you need me to tell you that story at any point so that you officially won't care what he thinks let me know.

I hope you are well and hope to see you around.
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The time he took to set up that burner email account and and send that harassing email to camis work account is the story that will be told,

You mean the email that said:

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:13 AM
Subject: sorry about steve
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

he is being an ass



Yeah she acted like quite the drama queen. "sorry about steve he is being an ass" is hardly harassing but she had to make it appear as though she was offended and outraged because she was still stuck living with you.

I hope you get over her soon Steve and hope you never forget she never really wanted to be with you in the first place - she basically had 2 choices, 1) be homeless 2) live with an infatuated by-polar dude and mooch off him.

She left as soon as a better option became available.

Looks like plommer showed up on one of my Facebook accounts as a suggested friend, probably because he's digging for personal information to distort and post and/or threaten me with and/or harrass me again with. It's something he does to people and the time and effort he puts into it he considers a strength but it's actually the result of nothing else to do. In the end its unfortunate for the site because it scares off actual good posters with actual cool stories that bring a legitimate smile to the faces of the good posters around here. It really hurts the site, and no one else is doing that stuff.

Not like a big deal yet but we'll see where it goes. Life's gonna life and all that. Just hope things work out is all I can say. I'm here to party, man.
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