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the truth about casper waits and caligirl - Casper, go to hell.

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Fuck this, someone just post Matty's cock. Thanks

Much obliged.

tisk, tisk
casper, how old are you? I guessing 30 something..
Cali is 24? what did you expect Casper?

believe 1/2 of what you see and none of what you hear

1st rule of trimmators is :
never believe a goddamn thing a women says unless its your mother
You know what Chris, oops I mean Casper, you are a bona fide asshole. You seemed fun and witty when we first started chatting. I loved our witty banter on facebook and via text. I enjoyed the few phone calls we had as well. You went straight to saying I want to fly you to Vegas and Do you ever want to get married? Want to have kids? lots of things I wouldnt bring up with a guy I date for months. But look, I joined the conversation, and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed our new friendship, the conversations, and the weird ideas we had about meeting up and all that. But did you really think that was going to happen? My career and life is on the east coast, and you are in Vegas. You have to admit, the notion of this actually working was a fantasy. Then yes, you are right, I lost interest after we skyped. I was already starting to fade out, and then you are right, we met, and I decided that I really wasnt interested. Not in the mean time you posted about me on game live, told me about it, then sent me the link. You suggested I sign up and comment on it because it would be humorous. I did just that, and you are completely right again, the attention was a huge ego boost. And like you told me, on GameLive people are characters of themselves, so I decided to come on here and be that fun loving sex talking girl. Thats what I am in real life with my close friends, but realize I am also a very dedicated career woman who works long hours and have a managerial position that no normal 24 year old would have. I got to this point with class, tact, and intelligence. So on GameLive I can let loose and have fun and be my party self, a side of me I keep under wraps a lot in my New Jersey life. No backing up, after we skyped I faded away, texted you a lot less, and didnt facebook chat you as much. But you couldnt take a hint. You kept calling me, e-mailing me, texting, facebooking, etc. It got to a point Casper where I went from annoyed to upset. I tried to tell you I wasnt interested, but before I could you went crazy on GameLive. And thats when it all turned for the worse. Your internet personality mood swings were so over the top that I couldnt begin to describe what I was thinking at the time except that this kid needs help. You quickly became mean and hurtful and rude. This is often the case with boys when a girl says shes not interested. But this is not the way grown men act Casper, its just not. You could have let things stay civil, but you kept it going with threads and posts where you were in a deep depression, followed by posts of anger and rage, then humor and good fun. No one could keep up with you. Everyone was confused. Then you posted that infamous video where you were sort of crying saying youve been having really really bad thought or somethingof that sort, which in my experience in the situation means youre thinking about hurting yourself or others. That was when I broke down and facebook chatted you because I was legitimately worried. I have gone through friends depressive states before and my best friend took his own life over a girl. So yeah I honestly did care. And here are exerpts of what transpired:

Casper and Cali's "The Truth Comes Out" Facebook Convo:
CaliGirlNJ 12:00am
dude are you ok?

Chris 12:00am

CaliGirlNJ 12:01am

Chris 12:01am
It is all an act. Teela messaged me on Facebook and said to make the video
I am done with Gamelive though

CaliGirlNJ 12:01am
you have issues man

Chris 12:01am
I am a pretty good actor

CaliGirlNJ 12:02am
but don't make it sound like you're about to kill yourself on a video over the internet

Chris 12:02am
CaliGirlNJ, its a fucking joke
why would i kill myself or get that upset about that site?

CaliGirlNJ 12:03am
you're game live "character" is a bipolar guy with attachment issues

Chris 12:03am
Listen, the last 2 weeks I had to put up with a lot of rap on there

CaliGirlNJ 12:03am
thats not the coolest character man

Chris 12:03am
CaliGirlNJ, I didnt have that character 2 weks ago
i can acre less
Now I will be the guy that isnt on..lol

Chris 12:04am
Its funny, thy all can dish the jokes out, but cannot take it

Chris 12:04am
you are the slut of gamelive? thats you?
I thought you were different

CaliGirlNJ 12:04am
im not a slut wtf

Chris 12:04am
CaliGirlNJ, you come across as a dick tease

CaliGirlNJ 12:04am
om you are crazy

Chris 12:04am
thats cool
I am?

CaliGirlNJ 12:05am
tease is A LOT different than slut

Chris 12:07am
I have written many more that aern't about you
I started one thread about Blitty
go look

look at you
you're getting upset
and you say its all a game?

Chris 12:07am
CaliGirlNJ, I don't like being told I am dooing something that I am not

CaliGirlNJ 12:07am
you're angry right now

Chris 12:08am
Not angry, just frustrrated

CaliGirlNJ 12:08am
really? then how about you constantly saying im hooking up with blitty

Chris 12:08am
when and where did I say that?

CaliGirlNJ 12:09am
b/c you're saying it like its a sure thing done deal
i have texts from u with you upset about it
texts dude
thats ALL you
not a chacater

Chris 12:10am
texts? show me a text that says it is a done deal that you are going to hook up with him
show me one and I will apologize
I know what I write
]all I said is he is a lot closer and he will see you before me
that is a large stretch to saying you guys are going to fuck

CaliGirlNJ 12:11am
i meant done deal on gamelive
your texts are you voicing concern

Chris 12:11am
CaliGirlNJ, I dig you. Obviously this whole Blitty thing is coming out the wrong way

CaliGirlNJ 12:11am
not just today chris

Chris 12:11am
I have said countless times I do not control what you do

CaliGirlNJ 12:11am
you've sent me shit for 2 weeks about it
dude you came on WAY too strong

Chris 12:12am

CaliGirlNJ 12:12am
thank you for introducing me to gamelive i'm really enjoying it

Chris 12:12am
is that it?

CaliGirlNJ 12:12am
however you need to seriously step back and breathe

Chris 12:13am
I am fine
you take what is written on there to heart
I am taking a step back

CaliGirlNJ 12:13am
its all the texts
the calls
over the past few weeks

Chris 12:13am
are you serious?

CaliGirlNJ 12:13am
but there was a while wher eu came on way too strong
hey man im just telling you what i was feeling

Chris 12:14am
I am not coming on strong now
I heard you and I backed off

Chris 12:14am
okay, point taken
I dont want to xcome on strong
I just want to step back
I was confused

CaliGirlNJ 12:14am
chris i'm just not interested
thank you for gamelive
its fun

Chris 12:15am
have a good one
I am happy you are happy
thats it then

CaliGirlNJ 12:15am
see you on game live

Chris 12:15am
most definately not im quitting gamelive
you became uninterested awfully quick
and I know the real reason
thats all that matters
take it easy

Chris 12:17am
I ma not as dumb as you think
I have been around the block..lol
regardless, you have a new family at Gamelive
that was the best thing I did..lol
If you gave me a chance, you would have seen
but you felt it wasn't worth the risk
thats fine

CaliGirlNJ 12:19am
i dont even know what you're talking about

Chris 12:19am
I know

I know that was a lot to read, sorry. Everything else since then has been via gamelive until this Monday when Casper, you were being really abrasive and making uncalled for rude and spiteful comments on game live, that was when I texted you saying you were acting like a jerk and knock it off, which turned into this whole big text message conversation pretty much equal to what is above. Then you called me at 2:30am and left an incoherent voicemail thats about 3 minutes long. You had to have been high or drunk.

Have you ever noticed that your posts get meaner and meaner through out the day and night. All I can assume (and this has been alluded to on gamelive by others as well) is that the more drunk you get the more unpleasant and malicious you become.

So here is the drunken voice mail you sent me I recorded this video right after you called me.

And that is the truth Christopher. So stop being so malevolent. Either get over it, or get help.

Gamelive, if you hate me for posting this, Im sorry. And Ill quit and let it be and let you guys go back to however it was before. I have simply hit a wall with this Casper bullshit and I cant take it anymore.

Posts Casper has written about Caligirlnj

1) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/8841-Weird-Day-Just-Hear-Me-Out?highlight=casperwaits

2) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/8868-Thoughts-For-February?highlight=casperwaits

3) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/9024-CaligirlNJ-Did-You-Read-My-Story?highlight=casperwaits

4) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/9161-How-About-The-Truth?highlight=casperwaits

5) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/9143-I-Am-Going-To-NJ-Next-Week?highlight=casperwaits

6) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/8924-My-First-GameLive-Video?highlight=casperwaits

7) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/9192-Thank-You?highlight=casperwaits

8) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthrea...t-Your-Facebook-Friends?highlight=casperwaits

9) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/9124-Blitty-I-Am-Clearing-The-Air?highlight=casperwaits

10) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthrea...d-Nominations-Out-Today?highlight=casperwaits

11) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/9140-Casper-Got-Gamelived!?highlight=casperwaits

12) http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/9151-Final-Video?highlight=casperwaits

Yours Truly,
