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the truth about casper waits and caligirl - Casper, go to hell.

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I know that people have left here because of you. I'm sure that they have left here because of me. .


2.REALLY? because of you? must've been Gina or Robyn. No way a guy left because of you. Jello?

Eggs, you can't continually bait someone until they respond and then claim that they are attacking.

works for NATO
I can't imagine some body quit posting because of Teela. Granted, she is opinionated but never really have her posts been malicious or in troll form.

Plommer is a posting legend. I know Steve and him have some beef from before, but unless I am missing a recent thread, nothing new as of late. Plommer has been a friend of mine since the early days. His recent posts may rub some people the wrong way, but I know his heart is in the right place.
No, it's not both for myself personally and every poster in this forum when he's blatantly doing everything he can that he sees as not illegal to screw with people every once in awhile.

He's too slow to realize that people can document slander and yes, someone in the USA can have someone in Canada subpoenad for that. He even felt like slandering Cami who isn't even here anymore, just to show how low he can be, because he sees these lowlife tactics as strength in a "you'd better not screw with me but I can screw with you" tactic. It's actually the exact opposite, desperation and weakness deriving from lack of self respect and taking out failing at life on actual good people.

He's also too dim to realize that harassing an employee at a financial institution who has already made it very clear she and the person she was associated with at time that was his target, don't accept him because he invokes a negative expected value on humanity is illegal.

He's also too lost too realize that internet bullying is a serious allegation and a complaint pertaining to it can lead to things that his target my have a very healthy laugh to know is happening to him.

I've only held off on moving forward with things out of respect for Matty, Blitty, IAG, Mr. Quincy, Teela, Rogie yourself and whoever else it would upset to see him go through some things.

You should understand that that is a show of respect from me, giving him that one last pass.

One more attack aimed at any of our posters and that pass will have expired, and I won't care what anyone thinks. This is the element of evil and you guys are enabling it.

Wake the fuck up.
Women HATE needy guys. Let me say that again, WOMEN HATE NEEDY GUYS. If they even get a whiff that you're acting needy, you're dead in the water. Lose that quality fast Casper and it will be the most +EV move you ever make in reference to women.

Women are very fickle. They can be all into your shit one day and next thing you know it goes from "Hey you" to "Hey there" (I'm not necessarily saying that is the case here but I'm just putting it out there). That's why I have no remorse for the hearts I've broken.


"There are a lot of reasons people aren't happy. All we have to pull from are our experiences.

I tried the feminine way with my marriage. More communication, showing my love, doing more around the house, spontaneous romantic acts to show I cared, listening to her and doing everything she asked flawlessly. It made things worse. It brought us to the brink of divorce. All we did was fight, and our sex went from infrequent to pretty much never.

I have unhappy friends in similar situations. They work tirelessly to placate their wives, "stay out of trouble" with them, and never seem to be good enough. They're always in the doghouse with the missus, hardly ever have sex, and their wives unhappily rule the roost.

I turned my shit around by manning up, grabbing the leadership reins from my wife, telling her to fuck off every time she bitched or nagged or did anything the slightest bit disrespectful, and started hanging out with other women. We were still at the brink of divorce, but this time it was me about to file.

When she realized she didn't have me by the balls any more, the sex came back, as did basic human decency in our interactions. We're far from perfect, but I just shoot her bullshit down every time it rears its ugly head, and life's okay.

I'm way happier. Maybe she is, too. Maybe she's cripplingly unhappy and hiding it, but better one of us be happy than neither. And better that one of us be me.

Is there a better way? Maybe. Is that better way some kind of egalitarian relationship filled with mutual respect and lots of communication? Definitely not in my case. I tried that already, and it nearly cost me my house and child."
Without addressing the merits of that diatribe it's kinda the worst piece of writing i've read in a while. At the end it's all like "nearly cost me my house and child."