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So LOST resumes tonight

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I couldn't resist the temptation to read reviews of the finale this morning. Now I don't even feel like watching it. Can't believe they went there.


Honestly, watch it. It was really, really sweet. It probably answered nothing from the past six years but you really should watch it. Either I shed a tear or I was chopping some really pungent onions.
Fuck that religious bullshit cop-out. The finale conveniently avoided dealing with anything related to the Island. Those of us who suffered through 6 seasons of half-assed sci-fi shit are supposed to care about the Losties' reunion in the afterlife? Hahaha, fuck you.

I wish eternal painful analings on JJ Abrams and what's-his-face.
Wotta load of hoakum. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, I give them credit. They created something that was very good for the people it was very good for. Good for them. I skimmed through reviews and some people found the finale very satisfying. Some people found it emotional. Apparently they were actually tearing up in the spots were I was rolling my eyes the most.

I wasted a lot of time following that show and I have no one to blame but myself.
The only people who can find that shit satisfying are those like Polaroid who took shortcuts in viewing the whole series. Or people like "24" fans who watch TV for the immediate cheap thrills it provides.

To anyone else, Lost was a 6-year prank.

Push the button! No, stop pushing it! Let's leave the island! No, let's go back! Let's protect the island! Oh wait, never mind, we're dead.

Fuck you.
I try to keep an open mind but you can make a strong case that the creators should go fuck themselves.

I was just having a discussion with my gf about it. She didn't watch the show but had picked up tidbits here and there. She said she had seen indications that babies were born to the people on the island and asked if the babies lived.

Try answering that question and tell me the show wasn't stupid.

Anti-Locke brakes. :rofl:
MrsMonkey says they all went to heaven in a little rowboat. Her final grade for the whole series is a D. And that includes the first year where she would have to give it a A+. Great job RJ in not wasting your valuable time of being a gangsta!

MattyRain, word of advice! When you move to Toronto, don't let anyone know you were avid viewer of Lost! :yes:
What a fucking terrible ending. I refuse to read any reviews from anyone outside of here but I am sure many loved that bullshit. I don't want to see what these people say as it will irritate me. To me it was a total cop out ending that tried to make you feel good about the characters instead of really answering questions. Although I dug the characters, I was most interested in the secrets of the island. And to that we got nothing. The whole sideway flashes of the last season were a total con job on the viewers as none of that stuff was real. And the survivors created their own purgatory place to meet in the end? Really? What a joke. There is just way too many parts that kept me watching the show that were never answered. I mean at least tell us how the fuck the island sunk since you started a season with a view of it at the bottom of the ocean.

This makes me not want to invest in a another drama on network television. I think I will stick to the HBO and Showtime shows.
I just checked over at imdb and I see I had rated LOST 6 out of 10 at some point. I assume that was during the first season when it was all very new and it seemed like a fun Rubik's puzzle and like there was something science-fictiony going on.

I have now changed my rating for the series to 4 out of 10.