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So LOST resumes tonight

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Muddy, my wife justs keeps watching it every week and I come home and she says it sucked again. She must be brainwashed? Why keep watching it?

Yeah like Matt Rain says, looking for closure I guess.

Wanna hear the stupidest part? I complain every week about every new episode - and then last week they have a rerun . . . I complain because there's no new episode.

Anyway I think there is less than a handful of episodes left. Good.
So it's two episodes left before the 2+ hour final show and the show next week is supposed to focus on Jacob & Smokey. Surely is has something to do with that kid that keeps on popping up.

Is it me or has it been a very pedestrian ride so far and they seem to be speeding things up by killing people right before the end? Since I've not been watching aside from this year, things might have passed me by but are they explaining things? Or just explaining things away? A couple of weeks ago someone asked (a dead) someone what the voices were that they've always heard, dead someone said it was dead people talking. I'm sure that must have been a big deal over 6 series and they explained it away in a sentence.
Yeah Polaroid, they're answering some little tidbits here and there in very subtle ways. This week, there was a reference to the mistrust between Jack and Locke that dates back to Locke asking Jack to believe him when he said that they needed to keep pushing the button (back in Season 2)

I must admit that they're closing things off rather nicely, although I couldn't make sense of it all if you asked me to summarize the story arc... which seems to have become an infinite loop.

The plane originally crashed because Desmond failed to hit the button, and Desmond was there because he needed to help Widmore regain control of the island and/or not let Jacob and/or the Smoke Monster escape, because of some post-plane-crash time-travel-in-the-past issue that fucked everything up?

My head, my poor head.

The only lesson I take from Lost is not to trust anyone named Jack. They don't know shit.
Is it me or has it been a very pedestrian ride so far and they seem to be speeding things up by killing people right before the end?

That's one thing I will give them credit for. Right from the start, they have never been shy about killing off characters. Some of them even stay dead.

I must admit that they're closing things off rather nicely

Really? Now that's not something I would have said. Just seems like a lot of busy-work to me. I don't see anything being explained or resolved. They continue to fiddle around with loose ends which they manufactured, as they have all along, but I haven't caught anything that deals with the big question of WHAT IS GOING ON???

Except in the sense of what I was talking about earlier:

Maybe they have already given us the answer. A few episodes back we saw Jacob saying that the island is basically a cork in a hellmouth. Maybe that's the whole answer right there. Just a bunch of random hellish stuff going on because of hell-vibes seeping through the cork.

which, to my way of thinking, would only be a small notch above saying it was all a dream.
You know how it should end? Everyone eventually dies (they seem to be picking each other off nicely here) aside from Jack (who Sayid said last night was "the one") and it ends with him and Smokey watching another ship/plane crash onto the island.
Really? Now that's not something I would have said. Just seems like a lot of busy-work to me. I don't see anything being explained or resolved. They continue to fiddle around with loose ends which they manufactured, as they have all along, but I haven't caught anything that deals with the big question of WHAT IS GOING ON???

Except in the sense of what I was talking about earlier:

Maybe they have already given us the answer. A few episodes back we saw Jacob saying that the island is basically a cork in a hellmouth. Maybe that's the whole answer right there. Just a bunch of random hellish stuff going on because of hell-vibes seeping through the cork.

which, to my way of thinking, would only be a small notch above saying it was all a dream.

If that is the end (and it would have made a fitting finale) then why would you use the ending two months early? That particular Richard episode could have shown nearly in full but with the hell stuff left until the last episode.
I think Sayid was just delegating since he was about to become ground Iraqi beef.

Not sure how it ends, but I'd bet that NotLocke dies and the parallel world somehow takes precedence over what happened on the island, which means that no one really dies when all is said and done. The parallel-world Lostees just have this nagging feeling that they are connected to one another and they hold a big BBQ at Hurley's.
Maybe they have already given us the answer. A few episodes back we saw Jacob saying that the island is basically a cork in a hellmouth. Maybe that's the whole answer right there. Just a bunch of random hellish stuff going on because of hell-vibes seeping through the cork.

Yeah, I agree with that. I'm thinking that the ending will provide some kind of assurance that the cork was sealed for good and all is fine and well. Like you said, it would be a small notch above saying it was all a dream. I don't think we can expect anything better than that at this point.

MrsM told me 2 new characters (brothers that were already on the island) were involved. One brother is protecting something and the other is wanting to get off the island. Sounds like the writers completely lost their mojo after season 1 is what MrsM is telling me? But she keeps watching it! Sounds like a case of S & M viewing? :wacko:
Has your view changed after this week's episode?

No not at all. It was all more airy fairy hoakum to me.

Did you find something different about it?

Honestly if I had the opportunity to go back in time and just never start watching, that's what I would do. But now that I am sucked in, I feel like I have to watch to the end. So I give them credit for creating something that did that. There are many serial type shows that I would have no problem abandoning.

But I am glad it is almost over. I still hold out some hope they will come up with something that will make me say wow but I seriously doubt it.