Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Haha, the cutout in my Sobey's too. Wayne's really creepy-looking when you walk past him after the wine shop is closed and the lights are turned off. He's all smiles and is trying to offer me a glass of wine through the security fence.

I'm good Wayne, just here to get some ice cream for my pregnant wife. Back off.
Sometimes when walking with Jenny we take a path that goes under a bridge. Sometimes we encounter a couple who very enthusiastically feed pigeons. They sit side-by-side with whatever food they use - bits of bread?? - and they get basically covered with pigeons. The pigeons are all over their bodies and completely blocking the pathway in front of them. To walk by, you stir up a big cloud of pigeons that you hope won't shit on you.

I kinda drag my feet because I don't want to accidentally kick any pigeons. Jenny kinda storms through and I don't think she would be too upset if she stepped on a few, what with the constant battle her building is in with pigeons on the balconies. She's not a pigeon fan.

This couple - a man and a woman - they sit their with these big shit-eating grins on their faces - and of course actual shit on their clothes. They aren't so much enjoying the pigeons as looking at the people walking by. They have these expressions like, "Oh, you wish you were us."

What a pair of fucking tools.
Sometimes when walking with Jenny we take a path that goes under a bridge. Sometimes we encounter a couple who very enthusiastically feed pigeons. They sit side-by-side with whatever food they use - bits of bread?? - and they get basically covered with pigeons. The pigeons are all over their bodies and completely blocking the pathway in front of them. To walk by, you stir up a big cloud of pigeons that you hope won't shit on you.

I kinda drag my feet because I don't want to accidentally kick any pigeons. Jenny kinda storms through and I don't think she would be too upset if she stepped on a few, what with the constant battle her building is in with pigeons on the balconies. She's not a pigeon fan.

This couple - a man and a woman - they sit their with these big shit-eating grins on their faces - and of course actual shit on their clothes. They aren't so much enjoying the pigeons as looking at the people walking by. They have these expressions like, "Oh, you wish you were us."

What a pair of fucking tools.

Bring some bread and grab the seat next to them. You never know what you might find.
If I was to rank the 5 type of birds I typically see being fed on our walking routes, it would go like this:


Seriously though, don't feed any of them. They can look after themselves. There are actually signs at some spots along the river saying not to feed them. The people who create those signs are not mean; they have put some thought into the situation.

But some people just have to.

Now geese, there is a group of people who can create some poop.
I didn't know Kevin O'Leary had his own wine. I like him, but Robert H is my favorite shark.

Yeah OLeary owns alot of businesses.

Herjavec grew up in the same part of Toronto as I did.

Shark Tank is the US version of CBC's "Dragons Den" that both O'Leary and Herjavec were regulars on before becoming regulars on the American show.