Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Tannish color at bottom I guess makes it not look like just black pepper! Muddy, I'm starting to think you're really closer to Montreal than Toronto with some of those product labels!

I think they might be Dollar store type of labels. I could be wrong. I picked up Kirkland brand (Costco) black pepper a while back and am not impressed. Not very hot. Are the peppercorn deals hotter? The ones where you have to turn the shaker to grind the pepper up.
Tannish color at bottom I guess makes it not look like just black pepper! Muddy, I'm starting to think you're really closer to Montreal than Toronto with some of those product labels!

Canada is in fact a country with two official languages and I believe every label in my apartment is in both languages. I am very used to it and in fact like it - however if I had given my photography more thought in this case, I would have emphasized the english and pointed the pepper the other way for the benefit of some gamelivers.

The other side of the label says,


Did you know that the french word for shampoo is shampooing? I know a lot of french but that one always gets me.