Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

the media/power treats the public like morons all the time. Because they know that we are morons for letting them get away with the shit they do. And so they are right.

One thing that I find annoying is when the "broadcasters" refer to the public as you. Apparently their research indicates that we the pathetic insecure beings that we are, feel somehow soothed and more comfortable when it appears the people in the tv are talking to us personally.
muddy a couple of nights ago i had a dream with you (no homo, plom) that we were plucking pineapples high from a tree, i would grab one hand it to you and you put it on the floor and vice versa, now some may think nothing wrong with that but may i remind you pineapples grow above ground, but not our pineapples :nope:

just thought you would appreciate the random thoughts like dream we had

So I go into my regular Tim Hortons and I order a coffee.

Server-lady: And a couple of strudels?
Me: Um, no thanks
SL: Oh, haha, well okay. What happened? You always get your 2 strudels.
Me: Actually I have never ordered a strudel. Once in a blue moon I get a sour cream glazed donut. I didn't even know Tim Hortons sold strudel.

She looked at me in such a way that was NOT, "Oh. Whoops. My mistake." It was a look of, "You're playing games with me and lying and I don't like it."
