Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Bacon, seems we have similar digestive tracts.
I diagnosed myself w/ CSS, sounds like you have it also.
doesnt matter what I eat though... problem foods are pizza, speghetti, ( think the sauces get me) and recently bar-b-que, especially pork :(
past few yrs I take 2-4 imodiums per day to stay somewhat normal.
try it , it works
Fat people don't need to be eating while standing in line at the grocery store checkout.

Actually, nobody does. This is Canada. People aren't in an every-second-counts situation when it comes to eating. Just relax. Get your groceries. Go somewhere. Sit down. Settle your breathing. Eat.

And especially don't be eating a folded up slice of pizza. If you want to eat a few grapes, okay. I mean, it is fundamentally dishonest - so don't - it is an INCREDIBLY lame behavior - but at least they don't have tomato paste on them.

So especially no pizza.

And especially fat people.
Don't eat processed foods.

Eat vegetables and protein.

If it wasn't around 787 years ago don't eat it.

80%+ of all digestive/bowel movement issues are related to the garbage humans put into their mouth.

I have a very non-violent bowel movement every morning within 10 minutes of waking up (usually immediately after drinking a glass of water).

It's my only bowel movement of the day.

Bowel Movements could probably be a good thread to sticky.

99.9% of what's at the grocery store is processed garbage, including the fruits and veggies.

We somehow keep living longer.

*puts handful of giant, uniformly-colored raspberries in his mouth*

Hmmmm, delicious GMO's.
We went to a farmers market last weekend, bought a HUGH basket of flowers, some strawberries and Cayenne pepper, basil, and mint. I planted them in some rather large pots. They are still alive, so far so good. I hope I don't kill them. :/