Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

For some reason I always LOL when I read this post.

Good work, Plommer. This is one of my favorite Plommer moments.

Daftaaaay, when I write a non serious post (which is the vast majority) I usually try to make myself laugh with my responses.
My motivation is my own amusement.

Pal, I crack myself up most of the time. I find me funny.

PS: I laughed after reading this post. Really.
Years ago, there was an ad campaign for Libby's products with the jingle,

If it say Libby's Libby's Libby's
On the label label label
You will like it, like it, like it
On your table table table

When me and my ratbag friends got to be teens we would sing,

If it says Libby's Libby's Libby's
On her labia labia labia
You will like it, like it, like it
On your tabia tabia tabia

Even at a young age, I ran in sophisticated circles.
Hall and Oates had a few really cool songs but jesus their album covers made me want to club baby seals over and over again.

I could not picture any Hall and Oates album covers off the top of my head. So I looked it up. They're mainly just various face shots of the two guys. I was expecting something more dramatic to warrant such a visceral reaction. They're all just pics of a couple dudes.

But then as I kept looking, I began to see it.

I could probably club some baby seals now, sure.
