Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Random question for anyone who cares to chime in:

What song or songs come to mind for you that fit the description, poignant piano-and-vocal based ballad.

There are no wrong answers. Well, I already thought of After The Goldrush but what else?
Maybe I'm Amazed is a good suggestion. The specific song is a bit harder than what I want but it has some useful bits - and it leads me to other Beatles songs (Hey Jude, Let it Be etc.) that are in the mold I want.

I don't know that song Nina. I will check it out.

(Reason I am asking is I am trying to construct backing percussion for my piano song and it's not something I am adept at and it can help to listen to some models).
The hard rock songs are easy. Once things get moving at any kind of pace, there are a zillion percussion loops that can be plunked in there and they work pretty well.

Slower bits though, I have to construct beat-by-beat. Definitely not my strong suit.

Nina's suggestion of By Heart, like After The Gold Rush, has no drums at all.

That is something to consider I guess. I lean towards having a little something though. Something simple. But maybe not.