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Random thoughts

Hmmmm, in my experience moonshine has always been more then 50 proof, and after an hour the room is spinning.
Also, I had some shine a couple of years ago that tasted like rotten corn, it was the worst. I tried making Jello shots out of
it thinking it would cover up the nasty horrible taste, but it did not :( That shine ended up getting dumped after sitting in my freezer untouched for over a year.
Also, my FAVORITE drink to make with shine is Apple Pie, Steve got to try some this past summer, and split the jar! :sad:

This is the only legal moonshine distillery in Tennessee. They make it right here at the store and you can watch them making it. The strongest one they sell is the White Lightning which is 50% proof (I think is to comply with alcohol laws). The ones that are flavored are 20% proof. We tried the Apple Pie one too. My wife liked it. But I wanted the strongest to get the burning effect down my throat so I kept doing shots of the 50%. Tomorrow we are going to the Whiskey sampling which they also make here. This is fun!

How far are you guys from West Virginia? We are heading there on Thanksgiving.
This is the only legal moonshine distillery in Tennessee. They make it right here at the store and you can watch them making it. The strongest one they sell is the White Lightning which is 50% proof (I think is to comply with alcohol laws). The ones that are flavored are 20% proof. We tried the Apple Pie one too. My wife liked it. But I wanted the strongest to get the burning effect down my throat so I kept doing shots of the 50%. Tomorrow we are going to the Whiskey sampling which they also make here. This is fun!

How far are you guys from West Virginia? We are heading there on Thanksgiving.

Roughly four hours. pending what part of WV you are going to.
I buy the backwoods shine when I can. or use Everclear. That sounds really neat, watching them make it and trying it. I wonder if they do anything like around here.
Those new polymer $20 bills look and feel fokken futuristik.


Does feel weird to hand out a bit of plastic to pay for a pack of gum.
Yeah it does is that Monopoly $ or what.

I love having a cat that walks in the bedroom door, without a look at me makes an immediate left for the bathroom, drinks out of the toilet and leaves still without any acknowledgement. Yeah fuck you too Furball.
Been having trouble sleeping since I lost my job. My theory is it is due to the large reduction in exercise. I exercise every day but it doesn't compare to the full day on my feet handling lots of heavy stuff that I was getting before.

It was worse at first - it is slowly improving (although last night was a setback) - but trouble sleeping is something I hate.
About a month ago, I had to get new fingernail/toenail clippers. I somehow lost the old ones. Man, it's like the song says: you don't know what you got till it's gone.

I bought some that looked like the old ones and they felt all wrong and I bought a slightly different configuration and they felt all wrong and I bought a slightly different configuration.

Nothing feels right. I didn't realize how good I had it with those old clippers.

I have given up buying new clippers and have settled on the ones that I can deal with best, but I really don't like them. Totally different action to them. They keep wanting to bite into my tender undernails. I can't get the same smooth even final result. I figured after several uses, I would simply get accustomed to the new action but no, not really, not so far.

They're so sharp and they really don't need to be that sharp. The old ones with the years of wearing down were perfect.

I don't know how I lost the old ones. It's not like I ever took them anywhere. They must be here somewhere but I don't know where.

Maybe someday I will stumble upon them. Man what a day that will be!

FOUND THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is good.

Been having trouble sleeping since I lost my job. My theory is it is due to the large reduction in exercise. I exercise every day but it doesn't compare to the full day on my feet handling lots of heavy stuff that I was getting before.

It was worse at first - it is slowly improving (although last night was a setback) - but trouble sleeping is something I hate.

I can loan you my kids for two weeks. That will wear you out quickly and you can go to bed in a second like I do.
My family decided to forego turkey this year in favor of ham. So being the rebel that I am, I went and bought a pretty little turkey boob. Majority of the time I just toss my birdie in the smoker but no, I think Imma bake this one. As soon as I figure out my temperature and time.

Teela....bake like its your last day on earth.
I used to hate when people told me their child was 22 months old or so many months old. I now understand the quandary of how to state my baby's age. With non-child bearing folk, I will break it down as almost a year and a half or 1 year and 4 months. With the mommies at the park, I will tell them she is 16 months old and they get me.
I refuse to bake today. I think I'll take a nap instead.

McB, I would make fun of you, but I had to call a plumber once because I had flushed a bottle of eye makeup remover down the toilet. When I first moved to GA, I lived in a very tiny little house and the bathroom was no exception. I had flushed the toilet and the remover was on the sink. Being the coordinated person that I am, I hit the bottle with my elbow. I thought, "There's no way that's going down." It was a perfectly round bottle and it went right down. I think my ex-husband was deployed and I used the other bathroom until he got back. I misread his usefulness and had to hire a plumber when his attempts pushed the bottle further into the pipes.

My current home has no stopper in the bathroom sink. I dropped a bottle top and it fit down there perfectly. This happened on Sunday. I freaked out and had memories of the bottle that I flushed. I MacGyvered it up and managed to get it out myself.

However, I have never flushed a ball.