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Random thoughts

I call dibs on the cobler!
All this Holiday talk has me surfing the net for new tree ornaments.
Growing up we used real popcorn and cranberries as garland to around the tree, I am finding as the years pass I like garland
less and less and prefer a beautifully simple tree. Though it never ends that way.

Muddy how long does it take you to make a song? Are you perfectionist? Lets hear one of your completed songs. (I don't think I have)
Don't want to quote anything, but Teela being put in CHARGE, take hold and facebook the other person and say you are in CHARGE and will be baking the desserts! The other person went over the top by doing so you need go over the top higher than her!!!

Teela what if at the gathering, everyone eating her desserts, and someone says, "Teela, I thought you were handling the pie and cobbler thing?" Awkward moment my dear! Everyone's attention is on you! Why waste the ingredients and MrsM concurs just make the pies and stuff!

If too much desserts, then people get goodies to take home with! And Teela, make the best damn pies you ever made in your life! Second possibility at Thanksgiving gathering after dinner, "OK, who's ready for some dessert?", facebook person ends up baking nada, you bake nada, "Teela, I thought you were handling the pie and cobbler thing?" Awkward moment my dear! Everyone's attention in on you again, but this time nada dessert to eat! We luv ya!
MrM, I'm okay with not doing the pies. They would be the best pies and cobbler ever because I am just that damn good. I should clarify that I didn't volunteer to do it - I was volunteered by someone else. However, I'm in a funk and I am going to sulk.

Muddy how long does it take you to make a song? Are you perfectionist? Lets hear one of your completed songs. (I don't think I have)

I am not a perfectionist in general however about this particular thing, pretty much.

Best answer I can give regarding the question of time: I expect to be done my project by my 50th birthday which is next July. I began this past Feb/March?? (Although that's not counting the actual writing, some of which was done way before that. Writing is a whole other discussion). Anyway that's going to be a complete CD with about 10-12 songs. I feel like I am on schedule to do that so maybe that answers the time question ??

I appreciate your interest but I don't want to link any of the completed songs here right now (other than my little YouTube outlines which I did for some of them). I would like my friends who are interested to hear the project in its entirety when it is done.

It is album rock - not a collection of singles. It needs to be all together.

This is my favorite Muddy song (hope it's okay that I posted it):

It's just fine that you posted it - and it happens to be the song I am working on now - except now it is becoming a complete more polished piece with bass and cello and various whatnot.

This is the song I was complaining about before where my software acts weird with the 3/4 time.
Muddy I look forward to this CD.
I am impressed, it takes a very talented person to not only sing, but to write and do the instrumental as well, good for you!
Just wonderful, I truly hope it goes so well for you when it's all done. Oh and I also hope you never get writers black, that shit sucks.
Yeah someone else posted that recently. Super deluxe.

Muddy I look forward to this CD.
I am impressed, it takes a very talented person to not only sing, but to write and do the instrumental as well, good for you!
Just wonderful, I truly hope it goes so well for you when it's all done. Oh and I also hope you never get writers black, that shit sucks.

Thanks a lot. I'll be glad to send you the CD when it's done. Or maybe there is something I will do with online downloading (?) streaming (?) when the time comes. Not sure. I mean, I have the stuff saved right now that anyone could listen to if I gave the link, but the quality is so much less than CD format. But maybe there is a better way.

Don't know. I'll figure out that part when I get there.
It's 1979 in plommer's mind.

Yeah someone else posted that recently. Super deluxe.

Thanks a lot. I'll be glad to send you the CD when it's done. Or maybe there is something I will do with online downloading (?) streaming (?) when the time comes. Not sure. I mean, I have the stuff saved right now that anyone could listen to if I gave the link, but the quality is so much less than CD format. But maybe there is a better way.

Don't know. I'll figure out that part when I get there.

I vote all of the above.

Oh and might I add, I love the term "thanks a lot" because you could either be very grateful, or being a smartass. :lol:
(not saying you are being a smartass, just saying)
I have been doing moonshine sampling for the last hour. This stuff is pretty good. Especially the 50% proof. Now we are having happy hour beers.

Hmmmm, in my experience moonshine has always been more then 50 proof, and after an hour the room is spinning.
Also, I had some shine a couple of years ago that tasted like rotten corn, it was the worst. I tried making Jello shots out of
it thinking it would cover up the nasty horrible taste, but it did not :( That shine ended up getting dumped after sitting in my freezer untouched for over a year.
Also, my FAVORITE drink to make with shine is Apple Pie, Steve got to try some this past summer, and split the jar! :sad: