Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I think I missed something here. What was this about?

I maybe can't get you an easy winner for a MudPlay but I can guarantee you that if you haven't heard what this was about you will. She kind of likes to chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat.
Funny how certain exercises can show you certain specific muscles you didn't know you were ignoring.

I workout most days including some upper body stuff and yesterday I thought, 'Hm. I haven't dont pushups since forever. Maybe I'll do a few pushups for the helluvit.'

So I did 10. 10 is not a lot of pushups. I remember times in the past I could do a lot more than 10 pushups without having any random thoughts about it.

I am sore today in what must be the pushup muscles.
Funny how certain exercises can show you certain specific muscles you didn't know you were ignoring.

I workout most days including some upper body stuff and yesterday I thought, 'Hm. I haven't dont pushups since forever. Maybe I'll do a few pushups for the helluvit.'

So I did 10. 10 is not a lot of pushups. I remember times in the past I could do a lot more than 10 pushups without having any random thoughts about it.

I am sore today in what must be the pushup muscles.

I had a trainer tell me that she enjoys being sore because that tells her that she's continuing to challenge herself and she has not hit a plateau.

I think of this often while I'm sitting on the couch watching "Real Housewives of Atlanta" and eating m&ms.

I know I got dibs on the Teela baby making thing but even I have to admit you two would make some whimsical witty rug rats.