Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

If I made a scat (scatophagy, coprophilia) film, I would entitle it: There's More Where That Came From.

There's More Where That Came From, Part 86 would be a special edition.

I'm just curious how they get to try shit. Like hey: "Would you like to eat Steak or Italian tonight honey?"

"Nah, lets just do something romantic. Lets stay home and eat each other's shit!"
So Nik Wallenda has commented that he feels it is actually more dangerous doing his tightrope walk over Niagara Falls with the tether than without. Reason being: he is not used to wearing a tether so it is a different feeling than he is used to.

Okay I buy that it feels a bit different however fuck off with the idea that it is more dangerous. Just fuck off with that.

Why do people have to say idiotic shit?
I am not interested in the movie Rock of Ages. Already a comment has been made basically assuming I would be very interested - like it would be a big event for me - I guess because I like movies and music.


I have seen a list of songs and there is one I can tolerate and the rest, I don't want to hear. If the original bands were playing them in my backyard, I would close the window. Pat Benatar? Twisted Sister? We Built This City on Rock and Roll?


It's Mama Mia all over again. I must have been asked 6 times if I wanted to go to the stage play, and then a bunch more for the movie. NO. It's fucking ABBA.

I mean, I guess Rock of Ages makes a little more sense on the surface; I like a lot of rock music. How anyone could suppose I might be interested in an ABBA show, I don't know - but rock? Sure, on the surface.

However the thing being overlooked is I don't happen to like crappy rock music.

The answer is NO!
I gotta say, I am not much into conspiracy theories. Whether it is the faked moon landing or the rigged NBA draft or that the American government was behind 911 - I find that the idiocy of these theories is only exceeded by the people presenting them.

However looking at some world maps today I came to a realization that could only be explained by a large-scale conspiracy. It has to do with the Arctic Ocean. I was looking at these so-called maps and suddenly I realized for the first time that the truth was being manipulated somehow.

I don't believe there really is an Arctic Ocean.
So Nik Wallenda has commented that he feels it is actually more dangerous doing his tightrope walk over Niagara Falls with the tether than without. Reason being: he is not used to wearing a tether so it is a different feeling than he is used to.

Okay I buy that it feels a bit different however fuck off with the idea that it is more dangerous. Just fuck off with that.

Why do people have to say idiotic shit?

Thank you Jesus, thank you my father!

PS: Plommer knows why he decided to finish on the Canadian side, probably because he would have been arrested on the US side for an illegal entry into the USA.

PS: Matty at 10:30PM its still not dark here, when you look north you can still see the sun setting, fukkin sunrise starts at 3:30AM.

PPS: Plommer has pulled a half dozen "wood ticks" off his body today alone.

PPPS: Drilling rigs are only at 20% right now, apparently only 17 rigs working, there will be over 100 rigs drilling in a month or so.

PPPPS: Saskatchewan claims that for every $1 oil trades for below $100 per barrel the Sask economy loses $20 million.
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