Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Sometimes people talk about seeing your life flash before your eyes at the moment of death. I'm not sure off the top of my head if people really believe that happens, or it is just a folksy thing that people say. My gut feeling is the latter. Not that it is any less plausible than a million other unprovable things that I know people really do believe.

Well actually, now I think about it, maybe it is quasi-provable. Now I think about it, I have heard of people that have come back from being very close to death saying it happened. But then others have said it didn't for them. And then there are different theories relating to brain function and chemistry to possibly explain things.

Okay so maybe it is not in the same category as heaven/hell with its million different sets of very specific rules customized to the hopes/fears of the individual presenting them.

Anyway, while we are making mythology, I am going to make one up myself and then I am going to go ahead and believe it so much that I could pass a lie detector test saying it is true. I may even go to war over it and kill people who say different so get ready because here it comes:

At the moment of death, you DO NOT automatically have your life pass before your eyes. In fact you go to a drive-in restaurant where a carhop rollerskates up to your car window to take your order. At that point you can place an order from a standard menu. THEN he will offer a number of side options - and one of those is life-pass-before-your-eyes.

In my case, it will go like this:

Mudcat: I will have a cheeseburger and fries please.

Carhop: Would you like to Supersize that with a life-passes-before-your-eyes.

Mudcat: No thank you but I would like some vinegar please.

Carhop: Okay sir.

So those are the facts about what happens when you die in case you were wondering.

What a relief. I really wouldn't want my life passing before my eyes. I'm glad we sorted that out.

Heaven and Hell was a brilliant idea though. You must admit. It plays so much on the grandiosity of mankind's ego. The idea that a person's life matters infinitely is so much easier for them to believe than the idea that they are nothing more than another ant, rat, parasite, wombat, or wildebeest.

That said, your idea of a carhop at a drive thru is absurd. I have died once before, and I will tell you that I saw no carhop. I'm not telling you what I saw. I was told to keep it to myself. I will only describe it in extremely vague terms, but know this; It is pure utopia.

I'm starting my own cult. Back off.
Heaven and Hell was a brilliant idea though. You must admit. It plays so much on the grandiosity of mankind's ego. The idea that a person's life matters infinitely is so much easier for them to believe than the idea that they are nothing more than another ant, rat, parasite, wombat, or wildebeest.

That said, your idea of a carhop at a drive thru is absurd. I have died once before, and I will tell you that I saw no carhop. I'm not telling you what I saw. I was told to keep it to myself. I will only describe it in extremely vague terms, but know this; It is pure utopia.

I'm starting my own cult. Back off.

You need to reread my previous post. Take special note of the word "facts."

Case closed.
someone please find me a usopen stream live so i can get out my house





ty choo. i just slipped out as sg was arriving. she is standing there trying to open the outside door to my apt building and she can't her key to work. she see's me coming, says hello, and then starts trying again as if I am not going to open the door that I am walking towards to leave.





thanks, gonna need em tomorrow. gonna spend 20 hours on fathers day locked in my shitty office.
My message to the fellow who likes to yell "GET IN THE HOLE" every time Tiger Woods strikes the ball.

It will not lead to you having sex with Tiger.

Yes, you want to make yourself part of Tiger's life and, in a small homosexual way, you have succeeded. Tiger is aware of your existence and he is thinking about your sexuality. However he is not thinking he wants to have sex with you after the round. He is thinking, "Man, what is with that fag?"

That's what everyone is thinking. The people around you think you are a fag. Your family, while they might not actually use the word fag, are embarrassed for you. I, a complete stranger in a foreign country, think you are a fag.

You can give up on the fantasy that one magical day, Tiger is going to approach you after his round and he is going to hug you in thanks for the supportive way you yell "GET IN THE HOLE" at his shots and he will say, "Come on, let's hang out," and you will go somewhere private and caress each other's genitals. It is not going to happen.

I'll tell you exactly what Tiger is thinking as a result of your behavior. He is thinking, "That is officially the last human being on earth I would have sex with."

How do I know? I know.

Just wanted to pass along that, yes, there is a lot of sex involved in what you are doing but none of it is good.

My message to the fellow who likes to yell "GET IN THE HOLE" every time Tiger Woods strikes the ball.

It will not lead to you having sex with Tiger.

Yes, you want to make yourself part of Tiger's life and, in a small homosexual way, you have succeeded. Tiger is aware of your existence and he is thinking about your sexuality. However he is not thinking he wants to have sex with you after the round. He is thinking, "Man, what is with that fag?"

That's what everyone is thinking. The people around you think you are a fag. Your family, while they might not actually use the word fag, are embarrassed for you. I, a complete stranger in a foreign country, think you are a fag.

You can give up on the fantasy that one magical day, Tiger is going to approach you after his round and he is going to hug you in thanks for the supportive way you yell "GET IN THE HOLE" at his shots and he will say, "Come on, let's hang out," and you will go somewhere private and caress each other's genitals. It is not going to happen.

I'll tell you exactly what Tiger is thinking as a result of your behavior. He is thinking, "That is officially the last human being on earth I would have sex with."

How do I know? I know.

Just wanted to pass along that, yes, there is a lot of sex involved in what you are doing but none of it is good.


And breathe.
no one, the neighbors have the music on full blast. and emily was screaming. and mrs durito on the phone.

now i think her brother and girlfriend are probably there. they at least wait till i leave.

i hope they enjoy the 2 bus trip to the new house.

though the laugh is on me since i will have to do that to come to work.