Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Today is Wednesday. Some people call it Hump Day.

I do not.


Small talk about the day of the week, or the current time (this day feels like it's NEVER going to end!!!!!!! ZOMGZ!!!!) is about 5 times worse than small talk about the weather. Yeah, about 5 times.

Just shut the fuck up. It's a 15-second elevator ride, we don't have to talk.
I hate bees/wasps. Today was hot and didn't wear my leather jacket on the way back from work and these stupid insects stung me twice once on my neck and once on my chest. You are basically helpless. If you try to swat it you will crash the motorcycle going 100 mph and the wasp doesn't have insurance. So I let them stung me twice. Stupid bitches!
The bees are going very slow. Once my body hits them with 100 mph they get stuck on my shirt and then they get scared and sting me. The leather jacket protects you from lots of things. Wish they made one with A/C.

I've hit a bee with my face going about 120 MPH before on my bike. He was a stain on my face though. Doesn't feel good. Never actually had one live and sting me afterward.
I remember when Fabio hit a goose with his face doing 100 mph on a roller coaster. The goose ended up splattered all over Fabio's face.

The possibility of stinging was never really in the cards and I know this is only semi-on-topic but I feel it is close enough that I am letting it stand.
