Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I am the opposite, probably due to the influence of gamelive and its philosophy of no-such-thing-as-oversharing. While waiting in line, I would make every effort to draw attention to my large pack of toilet paper and I would strike up a series of consipicuous poses and probably comment to the people in front and behind me, "Hey. Howya doin? I'm going to go home and take a manly shit myself."


Poster of the Month.
Anyway, I was in the store today and there was this hot chick. She was wearing one of those extended jumper things that turns into a little skirt that barely covered her arse. So she was in front of me in the queue and I saw that she was buying five boxes of x3 packs of condoms and nothing else. The cashier was the chatty kind of guy and he asked her (innocently) "what are you doing this weekend?". I nearly pissed my pants.

This reminds me of the people at my bank. I often withdraw fairly large sums of cash for Western Unions etc., and the tellers - I guess they think they are making acceptable friendly smalltalk - ask what I am going to use the money for.

Like they won't come out and just say that but they'll say shit like, "Going shopping?" or, "Oooh, got some big plans?"

Sometimes they even push it. Like I'll just say, "Business," - in a way that pretty clearly indicates I am brushing them off - but they'll come back with a follow-up question looking for details.

What is that? It definitely goes against how I was brought up. It's like asking people how much money they make at their job. You just don't do it.

But maybe people do these days.
Who's got the time to cut things up, though?

I like to cut stuff up. Only with really sharp knives though.

I just bought a knife sharpener. I sharpened all my Wusthoff knives that had dulled to the point of being more useless than butter knives. Then, I threw a zucchini in the air and cut it in half.

So fun.

*I know you guys are going to try to read more into this but really, I just stick to feeling joyous over the cutting of vegetables.....but not carrots that much, and the onions that make you cry.
Do you have something against brunettes, Mudcat?

I may have dismissed this too quickly. I have been watching Modern Family over the last week and the pattern continues to emerge. Something about this chick definitely rubs me the wrong way:
